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About WWWPerfA_ZN0W

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  1. was the transmission programming updated? have you serviced the fluid?
  2. solenoids are oil driven and as such exposed to the debris in oil, which their screens collect over time and hamper solenoid function. the worst is when timing chain or water pump bearing failure occurs - guess where the debris from that also goes.
  3. wow haven't seen a filter go like that in ages. could be just a defective unit, but generally i stay with purolator boss or motorcraft for this very reason. am sure you would do fine with mobil1 and royal purple filters too as far as reliability. edit: as far as plastic vs metal impellers, it is also a compromise just like oil filters. should the metal fail it will cause serious damage throughout the engine. from what i have seen the plastic basically dissolves lol. idk which is better, but maintaining coolant is def a priority.
  4. whine or roar from the rear part of the awd system is not a good thing. you will likely end up replacing the rdu if it has gotten to this point. maybe its just the tires, but statistically, it will turn out to be the rdu. check fluid level and condition first. see if refreshing the fluid helps any. it is $$$ without warranty to fix a failing rdu.
  5. check the rear calipers. on this gen, they tend to seize quite often especially if the parking brake function is not regular used or calipers are not regularly serviced.
  6. i tend to go with ford/motorcraft parts these days, aftermarket is not so reliable. i did use denso injectors on our 2010 fusion sport and they have been working splendidly. assuming the work was done correctly, it is possible the fuel rail is contaminated or the fuel itself is. i would have cleaned the fuel rail after taking it out but that's me no one else i know has done this or reported issues without having done so. seals did you buy them separately? should have come with the injectors. there will be a very slight wiggle since they have a little flex but not much at all. very possibly they are not tight enough. we have had problems with aftermarket seals on tss oss sensors as well.
  7. all the latches are prone to failure except the liftgate, so far. some have had the passenger front fail some one of the rear ones. i think ford MAY have a bulletin on the passenger front but not sure. i have had door jamb issues on other fords but not latches, i agree. but ford heavily upgraded the electronics in 2011, and that led imho to a number of failures not seen in 2007-2010 MYs. it may be enough to fool the signal wire into thinking the door is always closed, it may not. but people have added a jumper to that wire and been happy with it.
  8. i have had weathertechs in our 2007 forever ... barely vacuum them. i will say they do not have the best grip if your shoes are not also grippy. so maybe you could spray some shower liner tack or something to give it a better feel. have worn well tho, stay in place.
  9. you can try resetting the climate control. may take a few tries. then there is programming update by the dealer. the final stage is actually replace both blend door actuators. this is all assuming the cooling and a/c system are working as intended. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=2013+ford+edge+sel+climate+control+reset+
  10. why was the oil level low? is it checked regularly? first time it was low or has it happened before? note that short tripping will cause a lot of oil to enter via the pcv system into the intake/engine and will be hard on engine life. maybe you should consider installing a catchcan. you can find related topics on this forum, including one from lildisco iirc. why was the engine replaced? hopefully you have a VEP engine now. some received Cleveland blocks ...
  11. depending on which part of canada, they use salt or rocks (!). regardless having krown rustproofing applied/maintained is a popular thing to do there. especially important if you have a 2011+ vehicle, i see more rust issues in those MYs. in past eras japanese vehicles were known to be quite rust resistant. seems like they are slowly falling off the cliff as well. i believe they galvanized exposed metal to maintain that protection.
  12. if you still have the old mc, see if you can swap the seals. otherwise maybe a dealer can provide new ones to you. you can try getting air out of the abs with a few hard stops that activate abs either in forward or reverse. but follow it up with a main system bleed. good time to flush the fluid as well.
  13. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1olvLMZLqtu6JdBydE5EPea-QnabsV8iV https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QD2rc8aGzqQtznxxiAzf2TGy0K4GkJA-/view?usp=drive_link
  14. how long have you owned your edge? mileage? maintenance history esp oil and coolant? how do oil and coolant look:? any mixing? over/underfilled? best we can hope for is coils, plugs, and/or pcm. not surprised you are getting misfires on bank 1, usually where it happens. the general misfire code is what worries me. could be pcm failure driving this. to fix you would repair the pcm and replace plugs/coils all in 1 go. the cat code may be a downstream consequence of all this. there is a real possibility you are looking at timing chain and/or wp failure. put your vehicle on an obd scanner and note the errors on both intake and exhaust solenoids on both banks.
  15. what brand mc did u install? if aftermarket, their seals are known to be no good and usually transferring the old seals over fixes issues. otherwise you may need to bench bleed the mc. note that this generation is at a point where the abs is starting to give way if fluids have not been regularly maintained. so it could still be the HCU acting up as it is the distribution box for the brakes. you have to bleed the abs separately from the main system to get air out of it using a service procedure available through forscan lite, high end scan tools, or the dealer.
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