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Traded the GT500 for an Edge


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Hey everyone! My name is Jen and I just made an extremely difficult decision this past week. I don't know anything but power and racing. Well, I finally got in trouble after racing for years :banghead: I owned my dream car with over 600rwhp and have been in tears since the trade. I went with a 2011 Edge SEL. Love the black leather and digital stuff. My plan is to lower it, tint, paint the grill, maybe rims and other little cosmetic things to make it more me. I still have my bike fir when I need to go fast. Enough about that. Threads are useless without pics, so here ya go...

Car I traded :censored:







Trading my car



Edited by F8L EDGE
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Jen... WTF were you thinking? I love my Edge, but if I had a Stang like that I would NEVER give it up!



Hey everyone! My name is Jen and I just made an extremely difficult decision this past week. I don't know anything but power and racing. Well, I finally got in trouble after racing for years :banghead: I owned my dream car with over 600rwhp and have been in tears since the trade. I went with a 2011 Edge SEL. Love the black leather and digital stuff. My plan is to lower it, tint, paint the grill, maybe rims and other little cosmetic things to make it more me. I still have my bike fir when I need to go fast. Enough about that. Threads are useless without pics, so here ya go...

Car I traded :censored:







Trading my car



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Jen, no wonder you were in tears! I read the title and my first thought was WTF. Then my next thought was "I bet the rabbit died". (I'm aging myself with that reference; Google it if you don't understand it). Then I read your explanation. Either way it's not easy to give up an awesome machine like that. Years ago, I owned a vintage Lamborghini that I sold to get married and start a family. Still married over 21 years later. Tough decisions get easier over time when you find out how much sense they make. I also have been riding for many years and did so with my profession for 7 years as well. I feel your pain. Ride safe.

Edited by richy
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I was very lucky to still have the car. A really fast GTO got caught 2 weeks ago for racing. They impounded the car and crushed it. I had no prior tickets so I guess that helped me. I know I will have the itch to race if I had kept it, so I did what I thought was right. Still really sucks though. But my fault :banghead:


It's getting a bit easier but I have the fear of how it is gonna hurt when I see someone else driving her. So shoulda drove hours away to trade :rant2:

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