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2007 Edge some times sounds like marbles

mark abby

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wife has a 2007 edge with 45,000 miles on it. some times, when starting it, it makes a loud sound like marbles are banging around the engine, then stop abruptly.


i have mentioned this to the dealer, but they tell me when they start the car, it doesn't do it.


the noise is not only bothersome but embarrassing. it is so loud some times you think the engine is going to fall apart.


can any one tell me what this could be???? i need to avoid a major expense if i can get it fixed now.


the dealer changes the oil. could the oil they use be too thin? should i try a heavier oil? maybe synthetic?



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  • 2 years later...

just an update since i posted that....


it was the cam phasers. brought it to the dealer and they kept the car for two weeks!!! charged me almost $2,000 to fix.


the "marble" sound is no longer there, but, had to return the car because they forgot to recharge the a/c, they sprayed oil all over the engine, their "top mechanic" didn't put the bolt back in the right way where the steering column clamps to the steering gear box.....waited another 3 hours for them to fix all that.


now the front wheel bearing is lookse....argh!! 65,000 miles on a 2007...will i buy another?


sorry to say, nope. Ford would not work with us since we were just a few thousand miles over the 60k mark...they kinda said, in nice words..."too bad, you're on your own".


yep, too bad...for ford....not that my single non-sale is going to hurt them, just really disappointed in Ford and the service department at my dealer.

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