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Anyone get a hard drive to work?

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  On 8/20/2011 at 2:42 AM, Dingo said:

So myfordtouch likes my ipods and likes flash drives, but hates my Samsung 500GB hard drive. Anyone get one to work? If so, I wonder what the difference is...


Could be power - does it work off the home computer's USB interface only? I think it also has to be FAT32.

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  On 8/23/2011 at 10:53 PM, ferneyhough said:

I have a adata 500gb portable HDD drive model # superior SH93 it works just fine not to mention it's shock proof & water proof & it's windows 7 compliant. I'm plugging it into my 2011 edge sel & it reads it very fast not to mention so far I have over 75gb of mp3 music files on it


Would you mind confirming your File System type and folder structure?


and 75GB ? really? is that all Lossless encoding?

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Started testing this out myself and found NTFS is no good as well. Then reformatted to exFAT or something like that and it worked fine. My file structure is artist/album/song. I am going to try a few other drives to see if it makes a difference with different manufacturers and capacities.

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  On 8/23/2011 at 11:26 PM, cal3thousand said:

Would you mind confirming your File System type and folder structure?


and 75GB ? really? is that all Lossless encoding?

I'm just getting home from work & I'm off to bed , if I have time tonight I will let you all know if not tomorrow for sure, sorry for the delay. Also all the files are 320kbps, they are 1 level away from a wave file, if you know about ripping music you will understand the lingo I'm talking about :) 1 last thing I should mention, I had nermourious problems with an alpine deck in my old car, it was a media deck so it had no cd in it & the problem I had was the usb 2.0 cable was too short & the cable extension I had running off of it could not read anything past 16gb whether it be a flash drive or portable hdd drive I found this out the day I was removing the deck because I sold the car the purchase my edge :) . it's something to think about for all the people having problems with some form of hard drive issue.

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One other thing to check out is the power consumption of the drive. Older HDD can use 3-4x's the power of newer drives and sometimes require additional power. You can purchase USB cables with two connectors so that you can utilize the power supply from both ports to spin the disk up. Niether of the drives I tried needed the extra power but somethig to consider.

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Well last night I hooked up a Western Digital portable drive formatted exFAT with ~55GB of music. It took about 10 minutes for the system to completely index the drive but it shows up and plays fine. I can search through the disk by artist/album/genre etc without any issues, well some lag but that is part of the MFT experience. I think I still have some more I need to load up and I will spend some time to get the ID3 tags set up so genre searches are useful. But as stated above my music is setup artist/album/song.

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  On 8/25/2011 at 1:46 PM, ferneyhough said:

I'm just getting home from work & I'm off to bed , if I have time tonight I will let you all know if not tomorrow for sure, sorry for the delay. Also all the files are 320kbps, they are 1 level away from a wave file, if you know about ripping music you will understand the lingo I'm talking about :) 1 last thing I should mention, I had nermourious problems with an alpine deck in my old car, it was a media deck so it had no cd in it & the problem I had was the usb 2.0 cable was too short & the cable extension I had running off of it could not read anything past 16gb whether it be a flash drive or portable hdd drive I found this out the day I was removing the deck because I sold the car the purchase my edge :) . it's something to think about for all the people having problems with some form of hard drive issue.

It is a FAT32 drive format & it comes up art,song,album, in the folder. Hope this helps :)

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  On 8/26/2011 at 6:45 PM, Dingo said:

Yay! It works! After reading ferneyhough's post, I decided I just had to have a waterproof and dropproof drive. I found the same one in 750GB, exFATed it, and it works great.

I also figured out the problem with the last drive. It was USB 3.0.

Glad I could help :) & besides having the extra comfort of being shockproof & water proof for no extra cost - PRICELESS :) lol

Edited by ferneyhough
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