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Moon Roof instead of roof rack...question

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Hi Guys, I ordered the Edge with the Bamr..but have a question...I have two kayaks..both light about 50 pounds each..Anyone know if I would be able to put them on the roof? I know the edge that I orded doesnt have racks but I have some simple pads I used on my old car with some straps that worked good.


has anyone who has the BAMR but anything on the roof?


Just curious

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  • 2 months later...

I too was considering a ROOF BIKE rack, but afraid it would interfere with Vista roof opening. I got a trailer hitch model when more than just me riding (can just fold down seat)


Main reason...the Vista roof is so quite while open, I don't want to generate any wind noise.


But with kayaks, you may have no choice.


Call Yakima or Thule. Maybe they have an fitment answer for you.

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I've got the vista and close it on the freeway because I hear buffeting from the nylon skirt for wind deflection.

Do you have a different version of wind deflector?

Sometimes I think its like the Mustang Convertible I had. It's fun in the begining and a hassel later in its life.

I Surf and I'm thinking taking up Standing Paddle Boarding. I'd like to see how a rack integrates with the vista.

If you do it please post some pic's.

Edited by EdgyDon
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