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2011 Edge/MKX My Touch and Sync Problems

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My wife's 2011 Durango has this and I don't like it as much. To make a call is a real PITA. It has far too many prompts and questions before it makes the actual call.

Uconnect is a broad term. Chrysler has used it for several years now. It's very hard to distinguish what features you have when a person says "Uconnect"

Just like Ford may still use "My Ford Touch" in the future. A buyer will need to be well versed to know what they are getting.


I hope the buyer of my Edge is not well versed. I can see the Blue Book value dropping a butt load because I have the "first gen" MFT.

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Uconnect is a broad term. Chrysler has used it for several years now. It's very hard to distinguish what features you have when a person says "Uconnect"

Just like Ford may still use "My Ford Touch" in the future. A buyer will need to be well versed to know what they are getting.


I hope the buyer of my Edge is not well versed. I can see the Blue Book value dropping a butt load because I have the "first gen" MFT.


Wilson - I seem to remember you saying a long time ago that you don't keep cars long - might be time for you to give in and just sell - for whatever you can get. So that you can go back to being happy with a car.

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Wilson - I seem to remember you saying a long time ago that you don't keep cars long - might be time for you to give in and just sell - for whatever you can get. So that you can go back to being happy with a car.

You're right. I have a history of not keeping cars long. I had hoped this Edge would have changed that.

I like the Edge and have learned to put my blinders on when it comes to the Touch problems. That makes for a half-ass experience of driving a vehicle.


I bet when I get a new car it won't have My Ford Touch in it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the newest version on my 11 Limited. When on the home screen, the navigation will only display the compass and stopped displaying the street name. It will still display the street name when on the red entertainment screen in the upper right corner. I tried a master reset, repaired the phone and toggled many times between screen and nav settings. I also removed and reinserted the nav card a few times. Anyone else with this isse and how did you solve it?

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I have the newest version on my 11 Limited. When on the home screen, the navigation will only display the compass and stopped displaying the street name. It will still display the street name when on the red entertainment screen in the upper right corner. I tried a master reset, repaired the phone and toggled many times between screen and nav settings. I also removed and reinserted the nav card a few times. Anyone else with this isse and how did you solve it?


Go to the navigation screen, select a destination, start the route, cancel the route, return to the home screen. The street name should re-appear under the compass. This has worked for me and others.

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I have the newest version on my 11 Limited. When on the home screen, the navigation will only display the compass and stopped displaying the street name. It will still display the street name when on the red entertainment screen in the upper right corner. I tried a master reset, repaired the phone and toggled many times between screen and nav settings. I also removed and reinserted the nav card a few times. Anyone else with this isse and how did you solve it?


Mine did that after a couple of weeks, what I did was use the nav once, and now its back.. not sure if it just needed a kick, I basically asked it to navigate to my home, and then cancelled the route after it started. Now it's back.. much faster/easier than pulling the fuse, or doing a mster reset.



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Wheezer and mv-clear. I took your advise. Programmed in a local destination then went there and then cleared it. The system once again works just as intended. You were right, the system just needed a kick start. The home screen now displays the street name again. Very greatful for the advise. Another MFT learning moment. BTW I also discussed this with a syncmyride.com a tech person a few days earlier who advised me to bring it in for service. Thanks again!

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Today mine decided it no longer wanted to be part of the living and so it provided me with this display. Excuse the reflection of me, this is ugly enough and I wasn't trying to make it worse.




Now you'll notice there is no headers over any of the 4 quardrants, the text of the street I'm on is cut off with only half showing, the compass is in never never land, no radio stations are displayed and no connection to my phone.


After stopping and restarting several times I finally gave up and pulled the fuse.


What a freakin joke this software is...

Edited by Tulsa
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We've had the 2011 Edge Limited for a year and a half. We absolutly love the car but the Synch as we all know is a disaster. We've had all the problems everyone else has had and have the latest software from April 2012, had a new APIM installed last year and are down to two problems. Blue Tooth and lost radio stations. I heard there was an updated APIM but after 3 days the dealer still can't tell me if we have the latest model. The dealer has been very courtious THE 8 TIMES we've had it in for these problems but I feel we're at the end of the line and It's about time to call in the lawyers. I don't think Ford is capable of fixing this problem. I have a garage full of Fords from a 70 Mach one, a 92 Mustang GT and now this. Extreamly disapointed in Ford.

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  • 6 months later...

I have a 2011 Ford Edge limited with SYNC.


From day one, the problems have been endless, most of you know what they are.


NOW my single CD wont eject. Nothing in the manual for trouble shooting.

No on screen command for eject.

None of the one screen command work, either voice of touch.


Little dash board eject arrow does not respond.




Im am about to take a hammer to it.

Do I have to go to the dealership AGAIN ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

The same thing happened to me during my update, but I'm afraid it'll take a trip to the dealership to sort it out. After I received my message of "Installation Failed The Installation has run out of space or does not work with this version."...screen went blank and attempted to reboot but only displays a F9(F like Adobe Flash and a small 9 in a yellow triangle on the bottom right of the F). I think my installation attempted to write the files and now my system looks like it's bricked. I have access to the backup camera in reverse, but nothing else. on the screen. Anyone else experience this? I was hoping there was a way to initiate a fresh install.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The same thing happened to me during my update, but I'm afraid it'll take a trip to the dealership to sort it out. After I received my message of "Installation Failed The Installation has run out of space or does not work with this version."...screen went blank and attempted to reboot but only displays a F9(F like Adobe Flash and a small 9 in a yellow triangle on the bottom right of the F). I think my installation attempted to write the files and now my system looks like it's bricked. I have access to the backup camera in reverse, but nothing else. on the screen. Anyone else experience this? I was hoping there was a way to initiate a fresh install.


I got the same message - i pressed ok and then it was stuck on install 1 of 9 for an hour. Not knowing what else to do, i shutdown the engine and waited for the usb key light to turn off, then removed the usb key, started the engine, and re-inserted the usb key, it started from where it left off and continued. Install completed successfully. Of course, i found the instructions there after where they indicate to do the master reset. Some how it has worked...

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  • 1 month later...

Just installed 3.5.1 three days ago since then I've had to shut off the ambient lighting every morning. I'm trying to figure out if is a time based reset or something else. I've stopped and started the engine in my driveway and the problem does not return. I start the car in the morning after sitting all night and the problems returns. It's just annoying enough I have to ask, is anyone else having this problem?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having issues getting the latest update installed, any help would be much appreciated. I know I might have to take it to the dealer, but trying to avoid that. I work on Microsoft systems for a living, so it's annoying me that it's not working right (even though I'm used to it.. :)


After doing a master reset, I tried to do the update, but kept getting a message that the USB drive isn't supported. I tried two different drives (16gb, 64gb) and doing another master reset. I made sure that the Sync update was all that was on the drive, same thing. Also got a message to make sure the install file was on the root of the drive (which it was) when I went through the menu to do a software installation. Ugh..


It says to make sure the drive is at least 2gb, is a 16gb drive too big? I have a bunch of either 1 or 2 gb drives in my office at work, but that doesn't do me any good now..


Any ideas?



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  • 1 month later...

I haven't been on in a while, which is a good thing in that all seemed to be working well with MFT. I've been fortunate with my Edge to have avoided many of the problems others have experienced.


I've performed two system updates as they've become available, and am currently running version 3.2.2. Trouble free until the other day, when upon entering the Edge, I noticed the screen was "on" as it was when I had turned the car off the night before. Then, the rear camera failed to work, and I had lost the navi screen (black) but the current street/location still appeared on the upper right portion of the screen.


With that, I decided to try a master reset. No luck.


Then back to the forum for ideas. Thought about doing the latest upgrade (3.5), but before doing that I thought I'll try pulling fuse 29. Actually, I pulled the entire harness plug from the fuse block, then reinserted it. After a brief delay, MFT went to the black "performing system maintenence" screen and shortly thereafter, everything was back up and running normally.


As has been mentioned before, avoid the master reset if you have similar issues. That takes you back to default settings and you have to reenter any previously saved items, i.e. Navi favorites. Pulling the fuse, while somewhat of a pain that we have to resort to that, that was the fix. :hyper:

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Yep! As discussed here since the release of MFT back in 8/10- The LACK of a user controlled reboot in the base software has been a major BLUNDER.


The stupid corp. idea of we are great- there is no need for an eraser on a pencil mentality has more than BACKFIRED with the 9+ releases & constant removal of feature after feature with the tag line "in the interest of system stability & overall system performance" we have removed......


We have master reset which is overkill for many errors/prroblems- but still needed in some cases.


The fact that a direct reboot app was distributed for a while before Ford management put a FULL STOP to it is beyound stupid.


The fact that I and a few others were able to get a straight answer from Ford that- yes you can use the delayed reboot that is a part of the old Sirius channel line up update w/o harm as a app tool was amazing to get a straight answer. It has been stupid not to release teh DIRECT REBOOT APP. I am one of the few that has the direct ( not delayed) reboot app & pleaded on why it could not be further released or "unlocked" so we could distribute. It became clear that the ones responsible for distributing got a "lashng" & were told to cease & decist.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for the idea of "Send to Car". I have had MFT/MLT for almost 3 years & the 3 years free will soon expire. & I guess so will the usefulness of their app since it is tied to services. Ford had the GREAT idea of changing the $60/year renewal price but changed it to $199 for Lincoln owners. This may be an alternative.

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