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Mainstream Media Discusses Safety of MFT

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Interesting article... the mainstream media seems to be going against MFT on safety grounds, yet they do not have much objective data. Ford says they have data to say it is safer than other cars.





In-Car Technologies Not Safe for Drivers, Experts Say

LiveScience.com - Wed Nov 24th, 2010 12:25 PM EST



Technology is everywhere these days, and cars are no exception. From




built-in Internet hot spots and iPad docks attached to seat headrests to


state-of-the-art TVs, many drivers are cruising around with the latest


high-tech frills and accessories in their ride.


But even when it is designed to help drivers keep both hands on the


wheel, such technology can cause "cognitive distractions" and are


ultimately dangerous, experts say.


Among the most controversial is Ford's latest enhancement of its popular voice-activated SYNC


in-car communications system. The driver interface called MyFord Touch


is entirely voice-controlled, including entertainment - AM/FM and


satellite radio, HD, CD, MP3 - as well as climate control, phone and




MyFord Touch also uses the power of a smartphone to access and


control other applications. Users have the ability to listen to


streaming music from online music services, stay in touch with the news


and check out the latest Twitter messages - all without taking their


hands off the wheel.


Since SYNC technology does away with fumbling for the phone, allowing


drivers to keep their eyes on the road, Ford says it can help make


highways safer.


"Ford is committed to addressing driver distraction in empirical,


research-driven ways and implementing our findings in active safety


systems and advanced infotainment systems throughout our vehicle lines,"


Louis Tijerina, Ford senior technical specialist, said in a recent




Distraction prevention


According to a recent study conducted by the Ford Motor Co. in 2009,


the SYNC hands-free system significantly reduced the level of


distraction for drivers who used it - from dialing a number to choosing a


song - instead of hand-held devices.


Ford researchers measured total eyes-off-the-road time, deviation of


lane position, speed variability and object detection response time to


identify differences in attentiveness and driving performance while


using the Ford SYNC technology. Ford found that drivers meandered over


lane lines in more than 30 percent of trials using hand-held phones and


music players, as compared to 0 percent when performing those same tasks


with SYNC.


On its website, Ford also refers to a study from Virginia Tech that


followed 109 drivers for one year, entailing 43,000 hours and over 2


million miles of driving. The report showed that manually dialing a


hand-held device while driving (a task that requires looks away from the


road) was almost 2.8 times riskier than just driving. Virginia Tech


also reported that almost 80 percent of all crashes and 65 percent of


all near-misses occurred just after a glance away from the road.


"These results strongly suggest that SYNC's voice-interface offers


substantial advantages compared to manipulating a carried-in device to


do the same task," Tijerina said.


The controversy


However, not everyone agrees that Ford's in-car technology is beneficial to drivers.


"Ford may say it's hands-free, but it's certainly not risk-free,"


said Robert Sinclair Jr., manager of media relations for the auto club


AAA New York. "The distractions that do exist are very mentally


distracting, especially when it comes to checking social networking


sites. We find all of this very disturbing."


Sinclair said he believes engaging in social media sites while on the road demands significantly more concentration than a phone call.


"Going on Facebook or sending a Tweet is engaging in a complex


conversation that should absolutely not be done while driving," he said.


"Drivers are already controlling a heavy object, watching out for


lights, signs and, of course, other vehicles. Just a two-second


distraction is enough time for someone to be involved in a crash."


"Car manufacturers think they are doing the right thing and that they


are on God's side by preventing someone from using a hand-held device,


but it's just more harm than good," Sinclair added.


David Strayer, a cognitive scientist at the University of Utah who studies distracted driving , agrees that this type of technology in cars is unsafe.


"Some activities such as listening to the radio are passive, but


others such as texting and checking Facebook are not," Strayer told


TechNewsDaily. "The mind can only do one thing at once when driving - it's been long published in scientific journals. People who say that


in-car technology is not distracting to drivers just don't know the


science of the brain."


U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is fighting to disable the


use of certain technologies in cars. LaHood recently launched a "Faces


of Distracted Driving" campaign, an online video series exploring the


tragic consequences of texting and using a cell phone while driving.


The series features people from across the country that have been


injured or lost loved ones in distracted driving crashes. In 2009,


nearly 5,500 people died and half a million were injured in accidents


involving a distracted driver.


"If there was a drug on the market that killed that many people each year, it would be immediately removed," Strayer said.


Strayer noted there is a huge social-political struggle on the table since tens of billions of dollars are at stake.


"There's a lot of money to be had for consumer electronic companies,


automakers and others, but it also has a huge impact on insurance


companies," Strayer said. "They are very alarmed and concerned about the


trend and also don't want customers using any technology while




More technology


Of particular concern for car safety experts is the installation of TVs inside vehicles - sometimes even in the front seats.


"Installing a TV anywhere in the front seat of a car is illegal in


some states, including New York," Sinclair said. "Only navigation


screens are allowed up front, and even those can be distracting."


In many cases, people with TVs in the front seats get busted. A


driver in New York state was recently pulled over after he was spotted


watching pornography from a front-seat TV while he was stopped at a


light. (He didn't realize a police station was right across the street.)


Another man had installed 15 monitors


in his vehicle - including one on the inside of the flap covering the


gas tank, so he could watch TV as he refilled his car. He was also




"This just goes to show the lack of seriousness and the attitude of


those operating vehicles," Sinclair said. "Driving is not downtime to


engage in other activities."


The distractions can be lethal. A truck driver who was watching a


movie accidentally hit and killed a woman who was parked on the side of a




"People know deep down they shouldn't be participating in these types


of distractions while driving, but if they try it a few times because


they are bored and don't crash, they think they are safe," Strayer said.


"However, it's critical that people only focus on driving while


driving. It's not the right time to be entertained."


Reach TechNewsDaily senior writer Samantha Murphy at


Extreme Mobile: Fords to Feature Voice-Controlled Internet


Seven Modern-Day Technologies Sparking Controversy


Distracted Driving: The Dangers of Mobile Texting and Phone Call


Original Story: In-Car Technologies Not Safe for Drivers, Experts Say


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I would agree that during the initial period after one buys a MFT equipped car, the level of distraction might be higher. You all know what I mean, "ooohh look at all the purty screens." There is also an initial learning curve with mastering the various voice commands. Once you settle into the new system, it should reduce distractions. Of course if the driver isn't a techie, the time it takes to get used to the new system and reduce distraction might be longer.

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"If there was a drug on the market that killed that many people each year, it would be immediately removed," Strayer said.


Oh really? Then why hasn't Alcohol been outlawed?


There is no doubt that anything in the vehicle that's operated by or interacted with by the driver has the potential for distraction. Changing the radio or adjusting the climate controls are distracting. Carrying on a conversation with a passenger or eating is distracting to some degree.


The issue I have is they seem to be arbitrarily drawing a line in the sand as to what is too distracting. And you're not going to stop people from doing certain distracting things even if they're illegal so if you can make them less distracting by using voice commands I think that's a good thing. Just like we make cars safer to protect people even when they make a mistake and have a wreck.

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The basic assumption behind Ford's stance is that people are going to do these things anyway, so why not make it as safe as possible. If you "ban" Sync and other such devices, people will just go back to using their phones like they used to. Maybe not as many people, but a big distraction for a few people is worse than a small distraction for many people.


Also intrigued how this guy Sinclair makes the leap that the MyFordTouch allows you to send text messages and check facebook pages while driving. I don't believe that is actually true, he ought to actually try the system before condemning it.

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I really don't see the point of browsing websites, updating FaceBook, etc.


GPS, stereo, and maybe the occasional hands-free phonecall is all I would care about.



As for phone calls, I even tend to avoid the hands free call. Most of the time the call can wait until I get to my destination, though I'll answer and immediately ask if it's urgent.


The extend of my phone calls:

- I'm going to be late to X

- I'm going to Y, text me a shopping list

- etc



If the person tries to strike up a conversation, I tell them I have to go.

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