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so what the hell was all the advertising about ! being able to get to your car and inset a usb stick or sd card and view your pictures and video ,also scroll the cd with gracenote 3d carousel album art bla bla bla...i think ford need's alot of explanation about all those claims .so far i can't see any pictures or video clips thru these inputs... it started with the programing of the so caled inteligent key ,i folowed the manual instructions to realize time after time that nothing had changed on my car,if it was'nt for the good people in this forum that somehow found out that not folowing the manual and instead skiping step 4 and wait 20 seconds befor hitting the unlock button on the key programing sequence i would still be folowing the instructions and thinking that i was the stupid one........hope that updates come soon for all these minor glitchs and ford tells people that these things are happening.

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I agree. A lot of sizzle, and no steak. Today, after starting the Edge, the screen went blank, the audio went silent. Then, a Sync by Microsoft logo came up on the screen, followed by "Performing Routine System Maintenance." The status bar was up for about 30 seconds, them the system was back to normal.


WTF ? I sure hope that there is a firmware update soon for this system.

Edited by tarponbeach
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  On 11/6/2010 at 2:13 AM, tarponbeach said:

WTF ? I really hate Microsoft, now I have to deal with their buggy software in my car. I sure hope that there is a firmware update soon for this system.

  On 11/6/2010 at 5:40 AM, Edge_Vision said:

it's buggy as hell.

  On 11/6/2010 at 12:27 AM, orlym2 said:

so what the hell was all the advertising about !

Then why'd you buy the damn thing? Geez, you knew it was MS software. If it's so terrible, sell it.Complaining REALLY helps. :rant:

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  On 11/6/2010 at 11:53 AM, revOevoM said:

Then why'd you buy the damn thing? Geez, you knew it was MS software. If it's so terrible, sell it.Complaining REALLY helps. :rant:


This is what I was trying to get at. The general public sees the ads, test drives the car, & buys it because it is a sweet ride. Only after a few weeks of using the system do you really find out how many bugs it has. I've had mine 2 months and I'm still coming across new bugs.

If Ford let people test drive the car for 2 months, it would be a different story. The public assumes that if Ford or Lincoln are selling a car, it's going to function without bugs.


You can't deny that Touch has issues. Heres a link to a owner's post who's Touch system went belly up several weeks after taking delivery. No test drive would have caught that feature. Just yesterday, mine went black for several minutes while driving to work. That "feature" was not documented to me.

Most Edge/MKX owners have a legitimate right to complain and be upset.

Edited by wilsons66604
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Obviously from the comments here i am in the minority as I not had any major glitches that i didn't cause. Have had the Edge for about 3 weeks now and i have been able to get every feature i have tried to work. No black screens, blue tooth phone connects (even when I left it in the house once), voice commands are iffy at times but i am getting better. I have not had the system maintenance come up yet, this maybe a time related occurrence.


The biggest problem I have had is with the emergency flasher.


I think one of the biggest problems with this system is the lack of detailed technical documentation, the manuals are totally lacking in complete and accurate information.


Hopefully this system is upgradeable and Microsoft and Ford can get all the bugs out eventually, but I agree that it can be frustrating at times.

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  On 11/6/2010 at 11:59 PM, curlysir said:

Obviously from the comments here i am in the minority as I not had any major glitches that i didn't cause. Have had the Edge for about 3 weeks now and i have been able to get every feature i have tried to work. No black screens, blue tooth phone connects (even when I left it in the house once), voice commands are iffy at times but i am getting better. I have not had the system maintenance come up yet, this maybe a time related occurrence.


The biggest problem I have had is with the emergency flasher.


I think one of the biggest problems with this system is the lack of detailed technical documentation, the manuals are totally lacking in complete and accurate information.


Hopefully this system is upgradeable and Microsoft and Ford can get all the bugs out eventually, but I agree that it can be frustrating at times.


Curly, Why are you having so much luck?!?

Are you using BT or USB Audio?

What Phone do you have?

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  On 11/7/2010 at 4:12 PM, wilsons66604 said:

Curly, Why are you having so much luck?!?

Are you using BT or USB Audio?

What Phone do you have?


Wilson, no major problems here, either. Had my SEL for a month.

Blackberry Curve and I also use an iPod Touch

I have noticed that it sometimes takes about 30 sec to a minute ( I need to regularly time it) after I start the car before I can do anything with Sync, but during that time I can change radio stations with the touch screen.

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The only things I have not been successful with my iphone 3gs is streaming Pandora via bt - but was able to get basic commands to work to stream music from same phone via bt. I also can't get the contact photo's to work, but haven't invested any time working on resizing... don't really care.


I mostly use my old nano connected by usb.


I have never had to pull a fuse - did a reboot once because someone said that might fix the contact photo. (it didn't)



knocking on lots of wood.

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  On 11/7/2010 at 10:41 PM, choff1138 said:

The only things I have not been successful with my iphone 3gs is streaming Pandora via bt - but was able to get basic commands to work to stream music from same phone via bt. I also can't get the contact photo's to work, but haven't invested any time working on resizing... don't really care.


I mostly use my old nano connected by usb.


I have never had to pull a fuse - did a reboot once because someone said that might fix the contact photo. (it didn't)



knocking on lots of wood.

Did you upgrade your 3gs to the iOS4 software?

What problems did you have with Pandora? I have no issues with Pandora IF I get the BT audio to work



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  On 11/7/2010 at 10:55 PM, wilsons66604 said:

Did you upgrade your 3gs to the iOS4 software?

What problems did you have with Pandora? I have no issues with Pandora IF I get the BT audio to work



Yep it is upgraded to current IOS.


I only played with it a few minutes today before my daughter got fed up and wanted her music on. I will try again another time.

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I too have not had any problems with my Edge other than not being able to program the memory seats.

(From earlier posts I mentioned this and have a new Driver's Module on order per mechanics agreement).


If my Bluetooth does not connect I go into my IPhone (have an iPhone 3g...did not upgrade), go into Settings,

General, Bluetooth, Devices and I hit the SYNC button again, even if it says it is connected. It reconnects

every single time and I can listen to everything on my iPhone.


I do not have to do this to just use the phone, I find it connects well with the phone capability.


I love my Edge. It drives very well and I love all the technology.


Yes, knock on wood!

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  On 11/7/2010 at 11:04 PM, choff1138 said:

Yep it is upgraded to current IOS.


I only played with it a few minutes today before my daughter got fed up and wanted her music on. I will try again another time.

COME ON! Let's get your priorities straight! (kidding)



My big issue with BT Audio is that the iPhone doesn't realize that it has BT Audio connected so it doesn't play through BT

I have to go to BT settings on phone and tel it to connect before it realizes it can stream over BT.



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  On 11/8/2010 at 12:00 AM, wilsons66604 said:

COME ON! Let's get your priorities straight! (kidding)



My big issue with BT Audio is that the iPhone doesn't realize that it has BT Audio connected so it doesn't play through BT

I have to go to BT settings on phone and tel it to connect before it realizes it can stream over BT.



Yep - my priority is a quiet drive and if that means disney - so be it. I wouldn't get to listen to what I want for long anyway.


Have you contacted your dealer about your issues Wilson? Just wondering what they are telling you.

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  On 11/8/2010 at 12:39 AM, choff1138 said:

Have you contacted your dealer about your issues Wilson? Just wondering what they are telling you.

Nope. I've been patiently waiting. I Don't want to go into the dealership only to have them take my car apart and tell me I need new Mud Flaps! I was giving the service department a chance to "learn" with other owners. The thing is...I think I'm the only 11 Edge owner in the capital city of Kansas.

I've got a list of issues that I'm compiling and will waste my time at the dealership when I get a chance. I want my Easy Entry seat issue fixed, My mis-aligned console fixed. AND the Sync bugs fixed. To hear what some people are being told scares me. I don't want un-informed techs playing with my car unless they know what they are doing and why!


MoverOver wasted 4 hrs to learn notta about his issues

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  On 11/8/2010 at 1:10 AM, wilsons66604 said:

Nope. I've been patiently waiting. I Don't want to go into the dealership only to have them take my car apart and tell me I need new Mud Flaps! I was giving the service department a chance to "learn" with other owners. The thing is...I think I'm the only 11 Edge owner in the capital city of Kansas.

I've got a list of issues that I'm compiling and will waste my time at the dealership when I get a chance. I want my Easy Entry seat issue fixed, My mis-aligned console fixed. AND the Sync bugs fixed. To hear what some people are being told scares me. I don't want un-informed techs playing with my car unless they know what they are doing and why!


MoverOver wasted 4 hrs to learn notta about his issues



They are eventually going to have to learn on someone's car - I am pretty sure I am still the only owner here in AK - I know of one or two that dealers have gotten in.

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