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County Sheriff confirms that my Edge has more get up and go than I thought


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So, coming from years of driving v-8's to my edge with its v-6 I was a bit concerned about how she would handle when passing another vehicle.

Today I found out that my edge has no problem passing. Passed a slow moving pickup truck on a road with a 55 mile an hour speed limit. Because I'm not crazy about passing vehicles, I punched it to get around him fast. Fast it was, because no sooner had I passed the pickup then over the top of a hill in the opposite direction comes a county sheriff. Glanced at my speed, showed "about" 65 miles an hour. Damn.

Sure enough, watch the sheriff pull a u turn to come after me. He also had to pass the slow pickup.

Talked my way out of ticket by being honest with him that it's a new car, used to driving a v-8, wasn't sure how quickly I could get the edge to pass and that my sweet little edge is faster than I expected

Sheriff had my respect until he told me that it's deer season and because I'm female that I would probably swerve to avoid hitting bambi. (Ok, he didn't say bambi, but still!) BECAUSE I'M FEMALE? WTF? I've lived in a rural area long enough to know not to swerve for any animal! Matter of fact knocked off a poor squirrel the other day:(

Mr. Chauvinistic sheriff at least at the decency to say as he walked away, "Really nice car"

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