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Problem Fix for Vista Roof

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several times you can already find that issue in this forum.


Last WE i had this problem by myself.


The days before my roof got slower and slower on the last inches before closing and had already planned to clean the roofrails.


On saturday i suddenly had the same problem as many edge drivers in here.

Drove open to work and wanted to close the vistaroof, but it stucked on the last 8" before closing.

Tested around a bit with measures like fuses out and in...disconnecting battery and so on but nothing was able to help...no changes.


Back at home i decided to study a bit about that problem.


I realized that the roof steering seem to "think" that that 8" before closing is the close position, because all other programmed positions were displaced for 8" in back direction, too.


So i began to start to remove the headliner and found the e-engines of the roof steering directly behind the second glassroof behind the headliners under the roof.


Tested further around a bit and found the solution. While testing i had the idea to make a vid about that.

See it here:...


hope my english is quite understandable...i am from Germany, you know.

comments and questions desired.






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don`t understand the security function, too.


That would be a trick.


Clearly visible is that the open/close/stop-positions are steered over relais that seem to be internal of the roof-e-engine (the left one). Changing that engine would delete the positions.

But two positions have to stay:...fully open and fully close!


Otherwise the e-engine would stay under permanent load and would be not very healthful for car`s electronical system (heat production, battery,...)





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  • 5 months later...

Thank you for your posting, we own an 07 MKX. I was not about to return to my dealer on this. We complained several times of the roof's operation, since it was new, and none of the dealers could give a good explanation as to why it was happening. Your video really helped me out and of course avoiding the expense; in my case, your tips allowed me a better functioning component than it was new, absolute truth. I signed up for this just so I could thank you, great work! Scott from Massachusetts, US

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