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07 Edge Alarm and Remote Start

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I just purchased on 07 Edge for my wife. I'm a born and raised Ford guy, so I knew something was up when we locked it and the horn honked multiple times. I also used to be a car stereo nut, so I've done lots of aftermarket car wiring, including the occasional alarm. I decided it must have an aftermarket alarm or something making it do that. I dug around and found the brain box for the alarm and the shock sensor all stashed up around the fuse box on the driver's side under the dash. Install wasn't horrible, but not the best and I'll work on that. I pulled the box down and got the part number, and it's a Pro9232A. Looked it up online and found the manual for it, determined the issue with the multiple horn chirps was because it was sensing a voltage issue when arming it because of the lighting delay. I found the section of the manual addressing it and it's now learned that delay, no more 4 chirps of the horn just to lock the doors. That's a good thing. The manual also mentions that it has the ground output for activating a remote starter. That made me think - because we only got one key originally when we bought the Edge, and they had to get us a second key. I'm wondering if the second key may have been used to get around the PATS system? The alarms and car stereos I know, the remote start, I don't. Where would a guy look for such a module and find out of it was installed or not, and if it wasn't, what parts would I need to add to install one? The system uses the factory key/fob, which is nice to not have an extra remote, and it says pushing the lock/unlock/lock sequence activates the optional module (which hasn't started the vehicle for me - I did try). I'd rather not go purchase another remote start unit that comes with another key fob if I don't have to - I'd prefer to make this system work if I can.


1. Where should I look for the module?

2. What should I do if it doesn't have one?


I appreciate any help - I've studied the forum and know there's lots of discussions about remote starts, so hopefully I'm not just adding to the pile, but it's a little different question. Thanks in advance!

Edited by AirGuy
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most bypasses dont use a key anymore. but if they do the box would be somewhere around the key cylinder within about 15". I dont recomend adding a remote start to that system you would be better off putting in a all in one combo unit . Better range and designed as one unit instead of trying to get the two to work together.

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Thanks for the reply.

I'll take a look tonight or over this long weekend and see what I can find. I may take your advice and go with a new remote start - the only perk we had of keeping this unit is not having to add a key-fob as the Ford key has the buttons built in and this system operates off of those. Obviously, it's not a multiple channel unit to allow controlling things like heated seats and what not, but it would serve the purpose.

Thanks again!

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