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Stay Away from Retro-solutions HID !

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Their cheapo kit ended up blowing out the SJB smart junction box on my wifes Edge. The grand total for repair was $1,000 !! Service manager said that this issue is all too common with this specific electrical system. You will probably have the same issue with any other HID kit, but the Kits retro sells for around $200 are the same exact kits that others sell for around $100. Save your money and buy some silverstars. Todd did refund my money minus 20% restocking fee.

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  BlazedUp said:
Their cheapo kit ended up blowing out the SJB smart junction box on my wifes Edge. The grand total for repair was $1,000 !! Service manager said that this issue is all too common with this specific electrical system. You will probably have the same issue with any other HID kit, but the Kits retro sells for around $200 are the same exact kits that others sell for around $100. Save your money and buy some silverstars. Todd did refund my money minus 20% restocking fee.


Sorry to hear that. I've been using mine for 1.5 years without relays with no problems. S**t happens, doesn't mean the kit is cheap or guaranteed to cause problems.

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Damn dude... have you not covered all of this already... 7 topics total including this one! And 8 if you count the one where you just covered it in the last 24 hrs in Hurtman's topic


















I have no allegiance to RS but man... they made this icon just for you :beatdeadhorse:

Edited by Lex Talionis
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  BlazedUp said:
True. I wish it did work out, but it didn't. I remember someone on here posting that the possibility exists of blowing out the SJB and how expensive it is to repair......


I hate to play devil's advocate here, but why blame the HID's and slam them if you KNEW it was possible to blow out the SJB? Sounds like the Edge is just touchy to HID kits in general.


Cigarettes have a cancer warning on the side...if you smoke and get cancer, is it the cigarette's fault? Better yet, alcohol has a drunk warning on it....if you drink and drive and kill someone because you were too impaired to drive, was it the alcohol's fault?


I hate to say it, but you were warned and knew the danger.


Not trying to flame or start a fight or whatever, just pointing out my observations. Sorry to hear about the $$$ repair bill.

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When I bought my HID kit from Retro it came with a harness & capacitor and it fit and has worked great. No problems. I gave them all the info on what I wanted and the veh. I had and they did the all rest to provide what I needed.

After reading your posts about caps & wiring ect., I wonder if you were not part of the problem.

Hay, we all make mistakes and I could be making one right now.......

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  securinu said:
well maybe its like i hear all day long , " Can you come look at my stereo , its all hokked up right but it aint working."


Then i guess it aint hooked up right now is it????

The "edge specific harness" was not available at the time of order. It did work, just not with the auto-on feature. The harness connections were cheap, touch them and the lights flickered on and off. It was indeed installed correctly , just not working correctly. I should have been sent the correct harness which was manufactured after I placed thge order due to the issues I have had. I was sent a "tap in" cap to install on the harness.....plug and play my ace. Retro's kits are the same overseas garbage you can get for $89.99. I loved them when they worked......

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  Lex Talionis said:
Damn dude... have you not covered all of this already... 6 topics total including this one! And 7 if you count the one where you just covered it in the last 24 hrs in Hurtman's topic
















I have no allegiance to RS but man... they made this icon just for you :beatdeadhorse:


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Haven't been on this forum very long, but I'm a little disappointed in your posts "Blazed Up". Sounds like Retro-S did everything they could to remedy your issues. And other posters attempted to give you advice also. The service you, I and several others have received from Retro-S is a step above what you normally see nowadays. You go from "they're illegal" to "Ordered a set" to "having problems" to " Stay away, cost me $1000". Then you attack Lex who is one of the most innovative and helpful posters. All after market accessories have some sort of potential negative effect. You had a bad experience, get over it...

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You consider that an "attack" . Geez, you don't get out much do you. The kit didn't work, it messed up my car and cost me $1,000. They didnt do everything that they could do.......sending me the right harness would have been a start. I had to piece meal that cheap garbage kit and still didn't get all my money back. I am the sole reason for the Edge specific harness through my trial and error. I like Lex, he has a vast knowledge of these vehicles and has helped me out several times. Your right, I did get "stung" and they only thing that would help me resolve my anger issue is to inflict physical harm, but I don't feel like driving 3.5 hours to beat somebody's ass. I can and will post my issues with this kit and the company on this forum as well as many other car forums......for every customer I turn away from HID's and or retro.....My anger level subsides. It helps me deal and makes me feel better.

A phone number would have been nice. I know now why they have no listed number.

Edited by BlazedUp
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  retrosolutions said:
I know you are spreading around false information regarding your experience with us, so we will post the facts to clear our name:


- you chose to not heed our advice regarding installation given to you in the very first email we sent you

- you installed the kit in a manner specifically against our recommendation

- you then lied to us about how it was installed later, not realizing what you had told us before

- telling people you spent $1000 to fix the vehicle, when you paid $0 to have that done

- despite your negligence in the matter we refunded your purchase

- due to your inability to follow instructions we include a harness with the kits for the EDGE now, sure, its the same harness you had and chose not to install after we advised you do.


- now you threaten physical violence because of failure to follow direction?????


I would suggest you not pursue anymore lible attacks


Cha-ching! :happy feet:


You might want to hit the other 500 or so posts that he's been spewing the same crap in.

Edited by pxb006
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  securinu said:
HID Conversion Kit $57.99

Lifetime Warranty.. Ships Next Day Satisfaction Gauranteed..



Add at the top blazed, why dont you try them and see if they work , then go pound sand were all tired of your 3rd grade tantrum.


Click on the “My Controls” tab on the log in/out bar.

Scroll down to “Options.”

Click on “Manage Ignored Users”

In the Add a new user to your list

Type BlavedUp in the box.

Click “Update Ignored Users”





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Click on the “My Controls” tab on the log in/out bar.

Scroll down to “Options.”

Click on “Manage Ignored Users”

In the Add a new user to your list

Type BlavedUp in the box.

Click “Update Ignored Users”.


That's the way to do it!

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  retrosolutions said:
I know you are spreading around false information regarding your experience with us, so we will post the facts to clear our name:


- you chose to not heed our advice regarding installation given to you in the very first email we sent you

- you installed the kit in a manner specifically against our recommendation

- you then lied to us about how it was installed later, not realizing what you had told us before

- telling people you spent $1000 to fix the vehicle, when you paid $0 to have that done

- despite your negligence in the matter we refunded your purchase

- due to your inability to follow instructions we include a harness with the kits for the EDGE now, sure, its the same harness you had and chose not to install after we advised you do.


- now you threaten physical violence because of failure to follow direction?????


I would suggest you not pursue anymore lible attacks

* installed correctly the first time...had problems with faulty connectors on harness.

* what recommendation ? I installed the relay harness after you said I didn't need it.

* I never lied, and you said you do not need the harness but reccommended it.

* The negligence was on your part, not mine....this is why you are now sending out the right harness

* This is absolutely not the same harness at all. Does "plug and play" constitute me tapping in a capacitor on the harness since you weren't offering the correct harness when I purchased my kit.


I will continue to blow up your garbage kit on every car forum I can get my grubby paws on. I was willing to let this go until I read this garbage spewing from your lying fingers. I was lucky that Ford covered the repair to my SJB....very lucky ! It could have cost me $1,000 THis HID and any other will not work with "auto on" you never answered any of my questions, dodged my issues, and sent me parts to repair your garbage kit that cost you $50.00 Keep it up Todd. Why don't you post your phone number on here so your happy customers can call and thank you.

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  securinu said:
just to clarify so if anyone copies and pastes its BlazedUp


Not being a douchebag like him just making sure if you want him gone he is gone.

Also where are the mods on the board?? this type of crossposting would be grounds for removal on other boards i moderate.

I think douchebag would constitute grounds for removal in your eyes. I could care less if some internet tough guy calls me a douchbag and then cries to the mods that his feelings were hurt. Wahhhhhhhhhh !! :rant:

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  BlazedUp said:
* installed correctly the first time...had problems with faulty connectors on harness.

* what recommendation ? I installed the relay harness after you said I didn't need it.

* I never lied, and you said you do not need the harness but reccommended it.

* The negligence was on your part, not mine....this is why you are now sending out the right harness

* This is absolutely not the same harness at all. Does "plug and play" constitute me tapping in a capacitor on the harness since you weren't offering the correct harness when I purchased my kit.


I will continue to blow up your garbage kit on every car forum I can get my grubby paws on. I was willing to let this go until I read this garbage spewing from your lying fingers. I was lucky that Ford covered the repair to my SJB....very lucky ! It could have cost me $1,000 THis HID and any other will not work with "auto on" you never answered any of my questions, dodged my issues, and sent me parts to repair your garbage kit that cost you $50.00 Keep it up Todd. Why don't you post your phone number on here so your happy customers can call and thank you.



So now you admit you didn't pay $1000, you said you did pay the money. So you just proved that retro is correct and you are the one lying. This is copied from your post



"You consider that an "attack" . Geez, you don't get out much do you. The kit didn't work, it messed up my car and cost me $1,000. "


This is from the above post


"I was lucky that Ford covered the repair to my SJB....very lucky ! It could have cost me $1,000 "

Edited by druck52
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Well, I am just saying, if it was not covered, it could have very well cost me $1,000. Todd @ retro specifically told me that the reason the kit blew out the SJB is because I used the kit without the relay harness. I know some on here installed the kit without the relay and they worked, but with some intermittent issues...i.e. passenger light not always firing.

Botton Line: Stay away from any HID lighting system....especially if you like to use the auto-on which is a very nice feature to have.

Edited by BlazedUp
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Thanks secur, I was waiting for someone to point that out. As if I have not been through enough already. Ford felt bad because of all the other issues I have had with this car so they covered it. Ford is well aware of the HID's and didnt get over on anyone. I have had up to date , well over $6,000 in warranty repairs to this car.....and I still like the vehicle...go figure. My wife has spent well over 30 some hours in that damn waiting room with our daughter who was under 1 year at the time of all the issues. Cut me a break man, and worry about pleasing your own customers. On top of all this, the wife hit a deer yesterday. The outside front bumper didn't look bad at all, but 5 or 6 pieces behind the bumper were trashed. Only good thing is that this falls under comprehensive so our rates will not go up. Peace.

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