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Driving with the windows down

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Since Mother Nature has decided to delay summer this year, I have enjoyed low humidity, 70 degree days around here and have tried driving around with the drivers window down and hanging my elbow out the window. However, I cannot do this for long because of the terrible sympathetic resonance which you cannot stand for long. Matter of fact, when you roll down any or all of the windows, you get the womp, womp, womp!


Is it the design of the body or the design of the interior? Either way, you HAVE to drive windows up and air on.




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Roll the rear windows down an inch to equalize the interior air pressure...this allows the cabin air to flow without the resonating sound you're hearing.


Since Mother Nature has decided to delay summer this year, I have enjoyed low humidity, 70 degree days around here and have tried driving around with the drivers window down and hanging my elbow out the window. However, I cannot do this for long because of the terrible sympathetic resonance which you cannot stand for long. Matter of fact, when you roll down any or all of the windows, you get the womp, womp, womp!


Is it the design of the body or the design of the interior? Either way, you HAVE to drive windows up and air on.




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I tried cracking the windows, fronts, backs, partially down partially up, halfway down, quarter up, still have the resonance no matter.


It appears to be a design problem (at least for me).


AND- with the radio cranked up, which is how I usually listen to it, the resonance is even more of a nusance!!

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ALL vehiclles with a large volume to the rear of the rear windows will act as a LOW frequency whistle...

On our '68 station wagon we could lower the rear tailgate glass just a tiny bit and eliminate the helicopter sound effects.

Edited by wwest
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For the past half hour I have been trying to find the switch to lower the tailgate glass and, for the life of me, I cannot locate it!


You're obviously not looking hard enough.


At the bottom inside of one of the rear quarter panels you will find an "exhauster port" for allowing cabin air "flow-through/outflow". In the exhauster port will be a light rubber reverse airflow blocking "flap-valve". Removing that flap valve will result in somewhat freer flow of exhausting REAR airflow and that will help to alleviate some of the helicopter "noise".


The action of the flap valve seems to somehow re-enforce the passenger cabin's rear volume resonance effects.

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You're obviously not looking hard enough.


At the bottom inside of one of the rear quarter panels you will find an "exhauster port" for allowing cabin air "flow-through/outflow". In the exhauster port will be a light rubber reverse airflow blocking "flap-valve". Removing that flap valve will result in somewhat freer flow of exhausting REAR airflow and that will help to alleviate some of the helicopter "noise".


The action of the flap valve seems to somehow re-enforce the passenger cabin's rear volume resonance effects.



And exactly how do you know that it is there. Have you taken an Edge apart? If you have then why don't you explain exactly were it is.

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