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Liftgate "ding, ding ding"


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I know that the liftgate always goes "ding, ding ding" when you push the close button, but just this weekend, upon opening just as it nears full open....I get the same "ding, ding ding" chime. I have never had this chime before when opening the power liftgate. Does anyone with a power liftgate have the "ding ding ding" when it opens ? :angry2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

BTW, Lex, If I am ever in SoCal, I will look you up and buy you a beer. Your info on this site has helped me greatly and have made things easier on myself. I am more of an engine guy, whereas you seem to know electronics inside and out, which is my weak point. My wife was blown away by having the BAMR lights actually light up ! Post on brother.........Post on !

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  BlazedUp said:
BTW, Lex, If I am ever in SoCal, I will look you up and buy you a beer. Your info on this site has helped me greatly and have made things easier on myself. I am more of an engine guy, whereas you seem to know electronics inside and out, which is my weak point. My wife was blown away by having the BAMR lights actually light up ! Post on brother.........Post on !


hey thanks.. I am kind of like the jack of all trades but master of none. If I want to do it, I learn how and fly by the seat of my pants often :) but you will have to buy me an OJ, as I do not drink :)


Freeflyer - worry not about confirming it, as it is a confirmed issue in that it should not do what the OP said it is.

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  Lex Talionis said:
hey thanks.. I am kind of like the jack of all trades but master of none. If I want to do it, I learn how and fly by the seat of my pants often :) but you will have to buy me an OJ, as I do not drink :)


Freeflyer - worry not about confirming it, as it is a confirmed issue in that it should not do what the OP said it is.


Thanks, I did it anyway...


Door is closed

- three dings when the door reached its open position


Door is open

- three dings before the door starts to close


And thanks Lex for all advice and help!! (stubby antenna, bumper cover, Infinity Loudspeakers etc etc... )

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  • 4 weeks later...

okay... now I am involved as it just started for me!


So I was on a long vacation (10 days in Colorado) and drove out and back with my bikes. Thus, I turned off the auto open gate feature as it hits my bike rack. So, for 10 days it was off. I turned it back on today and now, it dings 3 times at the end of the fully raised position (and 3 times before it comes down - which is normal).. As we know, it should be 3 times on the way up and on way down.


So now... I need to figure out WTH is going on. It is very coincidental that this started after having the feature turned off for a while and back on. Need to get the brain thinking about this one and see if it can be solved.

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I have never had the power liftgate turned off. Just started "chiming" upon full open on it's own. For some reason, even though the gate works fine, this really annoys the piss out of me. The ford dealer could care less because the liftgate works fine :angry2: :mad:

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Hi guys. :D Do not know if this will work for any of you , but it is worth a try:

The Edge Owners Manual mentions a "three chimes" on opening condition if the "obstacle detection system" should be tripped. It also mentions a resetting procedure for the rear liftgate. Perhaps if you try following the reset procedure, it may eliminate your problems.


Here is a copy and paste from that section:


Obstacle detection

The power liftgate system is equipped with an obstacle detection feature.

If the power liftgate is closing, the system will reverse to full open when

it detects an obstacle. A chime will sound 3 times when an obstacle is

detected as the liftgate begins to reopen. Once the obstacle is removed,

the liftgate can be closed under power.

If the power liftgate is opening, the system will stop and a chime will

sound 3 times when an obstacle is detected. Once the obstacle is

removed, the liftgate can again be operated normally.


Resetting the power liftgate:

The power liftgate may not operate properly and may need to be reset if

any of these conditions occur:

• a low voltage or dead battery or disconnected battery

• the liftgate has been left open or unlatched for more than six (6)


To reset the power liftgate:

1. Ensure the battery is properly connected and charged.

2. Manually close and fully latch the liftgate.

3. Power open the liftgate by using the integrated keyhead transmitter,

or the instrument panel control button. The outside liftgate control

button can also be used if the power liftgate is enabled in the Message


Note: If the battery is disconnected, discharged, or a new battery is

installed, the power liftgate needs to be power opened to the full open

position to reset the power liftgate positions.


As stated above, it may not be the answer, but I figured it was worth a try.


Hope this information helps.


Good luck. :beerchug:

Edited by bbf2530
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UPDATE: so, I made some progress.. I opened the lift gate via the key FOB, then removed fuse 14 (3rd up from bottom far left column), then manually closed the gate, then put fuse back in, then opened with dash button/key FOB/trunk button (tried all 3 options) and now I do not get the 3 dings anymore when the gate finishes opening and only get the 3 dings when the gate is in the closing process :)

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  BlazedUp said:
BTW Lex, there is no actual sensor. It is similar to old garage doors, that is, when they feel pressure or something that is in the way being hit by the door, they reverse their direction.


That makes total sense, funny thing is that I have had it close down on things in the past and not auto reverse. I suspect it might be size dependent to a degree as both items it closed on were kind of small and not as big as, say, a human body or box or bike wheel.


Also kind interesting is it seems they would have put an 'open' sensor for lack of a better word. That is, a few times I have accidentally opened the gate while my bike rack is on, so it bumps into the rack (thank God I padded the rack in places ahead of time as I feared I might forget and do this) and it does not auto close back up. As well, if I park just right at the apex of my drive with the car partially in the garage and open the gate, it hits my garage door and stays up hard against the door in the up position, no auto reverse.


Point is, an auto reverse in both directions makes sense to a degree, not just in the closed motion. But I do recall the salesman showing that if he stood under the gate while it was closing, it would bonk him on the head and open back up.

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It is beeping again at full open !!!! I turned the liftgate "off" via dashboard gauge menu, and it still worked just as if it was set to "on" !! I thought off meant off. I turned it off and hit the button on the dash and it opened, and dinged upon full open ! Now I'm really pissed. Oh, and my easy exit is not working.......again. Suminabitch ! BBF, you do not even own an Edge, and as they are very similar, there are slight differences that may make your "information" incorrect. I have learned far more by Lex's contributions than your "cut and paste" manual on a MKZ.

Edited by BlazedUp
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