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Edge sport taillights

blaze u

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  blaze u said:
Just wondering if anyone has the part numbers for the edge sport taillights? I'm curious to see the price of them, I think they're kind of cool looking. :happy feet:

Plain ole' '08 Edge right side taillight is $193.42 MSRP, $127.66 U'r price at Tasca Parts in Rhode Island and $193.42 MSRP, U'r price $143.90 at Team Ford Parts Online in Las Vegas. They are cheapest I've found & Tasca seems to always beat Team by 10+%. MSRP prices are same for both & much better than over the counter at U'r dealer.


Some examples:

Puddle Lamp - - - - - - - - - - - - - MSRP Tasca & Team: - - $39.58, U'r price Tasca - - $26.13, Team - - $29.45

High Mount LED Brake Light - MSRP Tasca & Team: - - $49.97, U'r price Tasca - - $30.86, Team - - $37.18 (strangely '07 with incandescents is only pennies cheaper) :headscratch:

18" Painted Wheel - - - - - - - - - MSRP Tasca & Team: - $323.28, U'r price Tasca - $213.37, Team - $240.52


PS: Creating table above was a :censored:. The post software ignores tabs & eats U'r spaces.

Edited by dadrett
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  • 3 weeks later...
  Brutis said:
does no one have the part numbers? or a place to buy them?


Hi Brutis. :D Acquiring the part number for any Ford part is as simple as calling or visiting your nearest Ford Dealer, and asking the Parts Department Staff for the Part #.


Concerning purchasing: You can purchase from the Ford Dealer. Simply order through the Parts Department. Or if you want to save money, you can order though any of the online Ford Parts Retailers such as Team Ford Parts Online (already mentioned above) LINK: Teams Ford Parts Online or Direct Ford Parts LINK: Direct Ford Parts


And just as an FYI: A person does not need the part # to order a part. That is the job of the Parts Department to get the correct Part #. You simply tell them what type of car you have and the part you are looking for and they look up the part #. They will look it up anyway even if you give them a part #, to be sure you are ordering the correct part.


Good luck. :beerchug:

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  igcitng said:
I am curious. I went online to look at a sport. The tail lights don't seem to look different than mine, what is the difference that makes them so cool?




All the chrome bits in the normal tail lamps are black on the sport. That is the only difference. I do think they look much better though.

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  07CRUSH said:
part # for sport tail lamps 9T4Z 13404 B , 9T4Z 13405 B both are 164.00 can$

These parts numbers show as LAMP ASY - REAR, list $139.32 (US$), U'r price $91.95 at TASCA Ford. Est. shipping $10.00 each, $16.55 (for both.) TeamFord wants $103.65. Standard tail lamp is $127.66. I'm guessing extra for chrome. Also see post #2 this thread.

Edited by dadrett
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would go back to my sales person and ask them if you can get the parts at employee prices. Have them go to parts and price them out as though it was part of the car deal. Worse case, give them the money and have them buy the parts for you. Worst case, they tell you to go jump in the river and you order on-line. :reading:

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As I've posted elsewhere, I bought ’08 LED high mount brake light unit from Ford & parts manager matched TASCA’s price. I did have to pay CA sales tax so it was a little more than if I’d ordered from TASCA. All told, it cost about half ($44.84 vs $87.73). If U’r on the east coast TASCA’s s&h may be cheaper than sending to CA. Maybe faster too.

Edited by dadrett
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  • 6 months later...

I've searched high and low here on the forums, but would anyone happen to know the part number for the Sport Headlamps? I can't seem to find them on a search on Team, Tasca, or Silverstate, but searching by part number seemed to work for the tails, so it might work with the heads. Can anyone help me out?

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