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Can't find a missing nut

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I started noticing a rattle from under the passenger seat. I searched and searched and finally ended up taking the seat off. i found a piece the ducting that delivers hot air to the rear had a missing nut. there's a stud that is welded to the body and thread seems to be the same as one of the nuts that holds down the box that is a 12V to 120V inverter for the plug on the rear of the console. i went to two hardware stores and the nut does not fit on any metric or SAE threads, fine or coarse. i went to the ford dealer and the parts guy says the drawings show the parts but not the other hardware like the nuts. typical frikkin' ford.

i don't know how to search for this nut since i don't know what it's called. it looks like a stamped piece, not solid.

if anyone has any idea of what this specific type of nut is called, i'd be very grateful to hear it. if anyone knows what thread this thing is, that would even be better. a part number would be awesome. thanks!

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4 hours ago, ben senise said:

there's a stud that is welded to the body and thread seems to be the same as one of the nuts that holds down the box that is a 12V to 120V inverter for the plug on the rear of the console.

Do you have a photo of this one that seems to be similar?

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here is the threaded stud that holds the air duct:



here is the stud that holds the inverter:



the air duct has a part number EM2B-R01902-AC and i can find pictures of it online, none of the pictures show the missing nut that holds it down.

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1 hour ago, Wubster100 said:

None of the related parts of EM2B-R01902-AC seem to match the photo of the missing nut.


yes, it's strange that there is no mounting hardware in these diagrams.


52 minutes ago, Wubster100 said:

Here is the closest visual match I can find, but it doesn’t seem to fit the context of the HVAC duct or an Edge.




that looks very much like the nut. while searching for simply "nut" on a ford parts website, and getting thousands of results, i see that they specify a nut for every different part instead of just saying it's certain size nut. very inefficient if you ask me.


i have found something called a "Palnut" that is apparently stamped steel. they don't have threads like a normal nut. google it and you'll see.


i will try and search for those mustang tail light nuts and see if i can find them. 


than you very much for your help @Wubster100 !!!

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