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2008 Edge Driver side seat won't go up

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My 2008 Edge drives side seat won't adjust up.  It is not electric; it is a manual raise and lower handle that you use to pump the seat up or down.  When you try to raise the seat the handle acts like it is disconnected.  If you keep trying it will eventually raise the seat intermittently.  I have tried searching YouTube but everything is about electric seats.  Can anyone help with what is the problem and how to repair the mechanism or replace it.

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Its possible that the lever that adjusts your seat position may be jammed.


When standing out of the car, try pulling the lever directly upward with a fair amount of force. This might be able to free the mechanism of any dirt or gunk which is jamming  the gears.


If it's still stuck, pump the seat lever downward three or four times, then pull the lever up sharply. This may be able disengage the jammed gears, freeing the seat.


If these attempts don't work, you'll probably have the pull the seat and see if the adjustment mechanism is jammed from gunk, or if the mechanism is broken.

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  • 1004ron changed the title to 2008 Edge Driver side seat won't go up

I'm not certain that this is your exact seat track. It may or may not be the exact seat track you need. $290 with free shipping.


"Front Left Manual Seat Track 7T4Z-7861705-A, Ford Edge 2007-2014"



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