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2012 ford edge sel 3.5 won't start. Possible bad PCM?


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Not sure what to do here. My edge was running fine without issue. I parked it on a Sunday, went to get in the following Friday & it just cranks. Doesn't atemp to fire off. I didn't hear the fuel pump, figured the fuel pump was bad. After some research I found it could be the fuel pump fuse or relay. Checked those out both good. Then the fuel pump driver, replaced it with a Ford oem unit. Still nothing. Then replaced the fuel pump. Still nothing. Then got a code scanner (probably should have done that first but I'm used to old OBDI cars where things are simple) also used forscan. The codes coming back are all the injector circuits are open, can't communicate with pump driver, pump circuit is open. Thought maybe something chewed the harness. Can't find anything wrong with the harness anywhere. If I supply the pump with power, it comes on. If I use the code scanner to turn on the pump, it does not come on but the scanner says it's on. I was told it was a grounding issue, went through the grounds under the hood with a fine tooth comb. I was told it's the PCM but at the same time told the PCM does not go bad. It's been almost 2 months now trying to figure this out. Is there anything I maybe missing? Anything else I can check? 

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