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2022 Ford Edge Titanium - Auto Start System Not Working


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Good day, I’m new to this forum so if I should post this somewhere else please let me know.


I just bought a 2022 Ford Edge Titanium from my local dealership, and they did a full inspection and according to them everything came back great, but as soon as I picked up the car and drove it I noticed when I got to my house and shut off the car there was a warning message that came up on the screen that said “Entering power saving mode to save battery, either turn car on or off”, but it wasn’t even that cold outside. After driving it for a couple of days though that message stopped appearing.


I’ve also noticed the auto-start feature isn’t working, no matter if I toggle the switch on and off in the centre console. There’s also a grey auto-start icon on my dash with a line through it (I’ve attached a picture). Unlike the power saving mode message though this feature refuses to enable itself no matter how much I’ve driven the car.


Could this all be related to my battery? Even though they said the battery passed the inspection I’ve had bad luck with dealerships giving me crappy batteries in the past, and I checked with my local mechanic and even he’s thinking it’s related to the battery.


I’m new to newer Edge’s like this (my last Edge was a 2014 SEL) so I’m not even sure what I all have to do when replacing the battery. I heard somewhere that I’ll need to “code” the battery?


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Don't believe anything a salesman tells you! Your battery needs to be replaced. I have the same

issue and I am waiting to get into the dealership for that and some other issues.


The new Edges have a "gas saving " feature that only charges an AGM battery so far.

As a side note, it seems that a bunch of AGM batteries in 2022 were defective.

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Welcome @OhhBnertt


Yes, it does sound like the battery is at its end of life, but before going out and buying a replacement do a load test on the battery and scan for codes - both those can be done at your local AutoZone or that type of store.


If you go with a different spec battery then the vehicle needs to be coded to match, and whenever the battery is replaced the Battery Condition Monitor needs to be reset.



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One thing I would strongly advise if the battery needs to be replaced is that all newer Edges (Even my 2018) require AGM batteries which can be quite pricey.  But if the battery is under warranty, you can go to the dealer and they will replace it for free.

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31 minutes ago, PrinzII said:

One thing I would strongly advise if the battery needs to be replaced is that all newer Edges (Even my 2018) require AGM batteries which can be quite pricey.  But if the battery is under warranty, you can go to the dealer and they will replace it for free.


As far as I know, if the vehicle has Auto Start-Stop, then it has to have an AGM battery. So much so that on some regular batteries there is an exclamation that warranty would be void if installed in a vehicle with auto Start-Stop. 

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