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Passenger seatbelt

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Don't know where else to stick this thread. Passenger seatbelt is constantly locking on wife. She has to unbuckle and let it go slack to get it to release. I was able to free up the mechanism by using WD40 a couple of years ago; but it's back with a vengeance. 


Took to the Ford garage, told them to put a new belt assy on. Oh, nay, nay, you fool. They don't sell seatbelts for such an old car. Had them spray some PB Blaster on the mechanism, but it didn't help. 


Guess I'll go to ebay and buy one from a wreck. Anyone else having a similar problem? 



Edited by enigma-2
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Yep.  Happens to my wife all the time.  She really, really hates it.  And who takes it all?  Me!  I have not tried to WD-40 or PB Blast it yet.  But I am looking at trading it in anyway on the next size up SUV (Explorer).  I like this one, but we have decided it is just a little too small for us.  It will all depend on what kind of deal we are able to make.  Anyway, if you get a replacement off E-Bay, let us know if it fixes the issue.

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