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2014 Edge SEL - One key locks, another key unlocks. HELP!

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Something weird started happening. My key would only LOCK my doors but not UNLOCK. So I got my spare key and that one only UNLOCKS but does not LOCK.

Rear Door works properly on both.

I changed batteries in both and also ran the remote reset process (turn key 8 times, etc) and still no change.

Is it a fuse issue?

Please help! Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll assume that both remotes are OEM. Sounds like the fob's are registered (as they seem to function.) Unlikey they'd both fail at the same time. So the next thing I'd check is to test the car's battery. May be failing. (Must check the CCA reserve, not the voltage. Even weak batteries can test over 14 v before cranking.)

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