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2013 Ford Edge key button no work

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I have a number of Ford Edge keys where the membrane and the buttons below it do not work. The key can actually start the car w/o any issues. I have purchased a key fob for the key where the key controls the ignition and the fob unlocks the doors. This is crazy. Is there a way to replace the key and remove the buttons and move them into a new device that will work? Even just to replace the button and membrane?

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If you have the IKT (key head is the remote, key blade is always out, key start vehicle), the OEM one is sonic welded on the side with the electronics and blade, only the back is easy to remove to change the battery. I tried to get one apart for my 2012 Fusion and it wasn't easy, and the RFID chip got damaged. I grabbed a few from the junk yard to test it on before I tried my own. I decided I would just add a couple more keys.


The aftermarket shells are mostly made for the aftermarket circuit board, but you can destructively disassemble them if you are careful.


Aftermarket key and shell, that irregular shaped rectangle is the PATS security chip:


This was an OEM key that I took the board out of, and was going to reuse the PATS chip, but it doesn't work like a normal RFID chip, or it needs an antenna, or something, but it was pocketed at the junk yard to test on.



This shows the top snapped down over the middle of an OEM one, but I am pretty sure it is glued or sonic welded, I had to use a dremel to get them apart:


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Personally, if it was me, I would just buy some cheaper aftermarket keys (if you have 2 already), and add a couple, and shelve the bad ones. I also have people that are abusive with keys; lotion, hand sanitizer, and sweat are bad on them, as is dropping them, closing them in doors, swinging them attached to lanyards, etc. I always get silicone covers for them. Also handy to color code cars or people when you have 4 Fords with similar keys and 4 drivers. I am also willing to try things out and combine parts to get things working.


Part of my current key setup for my 2012 Fusion with the IKT:


The flip key is actually a Volkswagen shell, with generic internals programmed for Ford. It had the wrong security chip in it, so I got my own for $1.50 from China and made it work.


I like the simple key and separate fob for my back pack, as an emergency spare, but I find I go back to it a lot, as it is what many of my earlier Fords had, and feels comfortable.


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