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rear coil spring insulators - discontinued and no aftermarket clones available?


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Rehabbing the suspension on a 2013 SEL, and am hitting a wall replacing a couple of fairly simple looking parts - the rubber rings (coil spring insulators) that sit above and below the rear coils. Nothing on RockAuto or Amazon, and my trusted local Ford shop had no clues where to find them either. Anyone else tried to replace these lately? I've been able to find every other element in the rear suspension assembly except for these two parts. Part names and codes are:

7T4Z5536AA (Upper rear coil spring insulator / spacer)

7T4Z5793AA (Upper rear coil spring insulator / spacer)

Diagrams attached

rear upper coil spring insulator.png

rear lower coil spring insulator.png

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16 hours ago, garycrist said:

Thanks @garycrist , O'Reilly's vehicle lookup says that they don't fit the Edge, even though the part is labeled as "universal." Wondering if it's worth the hassle. May be the only option at this point.

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We used universals to jack the rear up if it was sagging. As long as the

spring seats into the isolator, no grinding necessary. Then grind to fit once

more, the isolator if necessary to fit the vehicle's perch.


Take a picture of the spring "pig-tail's  location relative to the upper spring perch (on the car)

on both springs too. Sometimes getting them off may cause a little lean.


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