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Cleaning the Passenger Compartment Air Intake Drains

Huge Hunk of Junk

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I popped the hood of my 2020 Edge Titanium to clean off the drains, and they were really full of leaves, pine needles and other debris. These drains allow water to stay out of the air intakes at the base of the windshield. I once had a vehicle that also had a flap that directed the water into the drain rather the air intake, and when the flap got jostled somehow, it let rainwater into the intake plenum which then leaked on the passenger side floor. So, I like to keep those drains open. 


Anyway, it spending the minute to do this might be worthwhile.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good point. These air intakes pull in all kinds of junk.


After taking my MKX to dealer for "The Works" couple years ago, got it back with severe diminished HVAC air flow. Went in through cabin filter opening and found it was full of torn-up foam pieces.


After cleaning it out thought I'd see if I could find where it came from (of course that idiot service rep that did it. Called the service mgr and told him I found his little gift, didn't appreciate it. Was there couple weeks later and idiot was gone.)


Anyway, had a hell of a time finding the inlet. On yours it's grilled, pointing up. On mine, it's covered with a heavy filter material and opens down in the back of the engine compartment. 


Still, good advice. 



Edited by enigma-2
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