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2012 Halogen Headlight Harness is burning up (2X)

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I'm new to this forum and have a question about the drivers side headlight harness burning up and then the headlight does not work. I've replaced the harness twice now and burns up in days. I think I have a bad ground and would like to know where the ground terminates to do load tests there. I'd like to know where I can find G105 10-3 ground termination. Any help would be appreciated.



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Hello guys and gals. I've posted my first question in the lighting section regarding a burnt harness connection to the halogen driver side headlight. I've been a car guy for many years and my interest are in Studebaker's. My motto has always been if you own a Studebaker you better own a fast one. We have 2 Studebaker's, a 1963 V8 289 R1 Lark Convertible powershift (floor shift) automatic, disc brakes, Dana 44 twin trac 3.31:1 , with a red line tachometer and a 1964 R2 GT Hawk, 299 V8, factory Paxton Supercharger, powershift automatic, 160 mph speedo, red line tachometer front disc Dana 44 3.54:1 ratio with traction bars. One of my passions is drag racing my Hawk at the PSMCDR at the Mid Michigan track in September.


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  • 4 weeks later...

As a follow up. I replaced the harness to the headlight once again. I found the ground side (BK-GN) of the harness was melting the connector. I removed the 10mm nut of the grounding stud and sanded the paint off around it and reinstalled the ground wires. Headlight is still working after 4 weeks. Thanks to Haz and his diagrams for helping me solve this issue on the wife's Edge.

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