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Gauges on 2010 Edge Limited hard to see in daylight.

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2 hours ago, Hodgie said:

I found a white cluster in kilometers from a 2008 at the wreckers. Does anyone know if it is plug and play when installed

in a 2010 ?


I need to be able to see what speed I am going.


Ford really pooched this one . . . . .



I can't help you on finding this, but I am kinda curious why you think Ford pooched this one.  I haven't been on the boards too long, but I haven't seen anything on this being an big issue.  It may be, but hopefully someone has a source for you.

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Junior, In the daylight you cannot see the numbers on the speedometer. There are several posts on this forum, unfortunaly there has been no solutions to the problem.

There are white overlays in MPH but I have not found one in KPH.


Thanks for taking the time to answer my post.



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