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Just thought I'd talk to any fellow vets on the site. I go to the VA once a year for an annual physical, assigned to a great Nurse Practioner (she's as tough as any Marine I ever served with.) I use my Medicare for my medical but still maintain my VA status with an annual physical. (May drop my Part D drug plan and got with the VA next year inasmuch as all Plan D's are raising their rates, deductibles and moving drugs from lower to higher tiers in the formulary. 


She's been on me for a few years to file for disability. Don't believe that I'm disabled, but she finally talked me into filing for Agent Orange exposure, loss of hearing and tendinitis. Sent me to several doctors at different places and got results showing that I'm 80% disabled. 

(80% rating is worth $2k a month. Tax free.)


So the purpose of this is, if your a vet, you're entitled to VA Health care. Get a full blood panel and complete physical. You can get your prescriptions through the VA (really cheap) plus a bunch of other stuff, like insurance (can apply up to age 80,  no underwriting) college (for the younger guys, etc.)


So if you're a vet and not hooked up with the VA, look into it. You earned it.

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I am glad it works out for you and assists you, thank you for your service!


I think I am the only veteran in my immediate circle that doesn't draw some level of disability. My neighbor is 50% for sleep apnea, my brother in law for sleep apnea and back issues at 80%. It is funny (ironic maybe) to hear they use a CPAP because it phones home and if they don't use it they might lose benefits. I see some that their only assistance is the VA and I thought my health care was bad, in regards to being seen or level of care.


I got jerked around when I got out, and really didn't want anything to with the bureaucracy of it all. I am proud I served, and don't shy away from that, but having sub par work done while in, fixed on paper while still broken, no thanks. I decided I might get my Veterans ID for free admission to national parks, that is about as far as I will go.


Pretty sure stuff from the Gulf War  (fatigue, chronic muscle pain, attention span, sleep, etc) and my severe hearing loss are related to my time served.

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