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Weird transmission problem...


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Wonder if anyone could provide a few pointers on how to go about my transmission issue....

Last week my 07 Edge developed a familiar transmission fault where one of the speed sensors failed. I say familiar because it has already happened to me twice before with roughly 30k miles between failures.


I ordered the OSS and TSS sensors, and decided to be a little proactive and I disconnected the battery and took out the valve and solenoid bodies out to have it ready.

Parts arrived after a few days, I got them installed and reassembled. The car starts great. No funny noises from transmission while parked (unlike before the sensors were swapped).

Throw it into reverse....works good. Throw it into 'D' and this is where the problems start. Car barely moves when giving it gas. It will eventually build up speed but the speedometer shows nothing.

Check the fluids, all good. After about 10-15 minutes of this, the speedometer finally comes alive, I get a chime that my seatbelt is not fastened, and car moves like nothing was wrong. Tried a few stop and go's and all seemed normal.

That was yesterday. Today we're back to the old thing again....backs up fine but moving forward is very sluggish and once again the speedo shows 0.


Any ideas where to look next? Check engine light doesn't come on. I tried reading the codes but none are present. I'm at a bit of a loss here.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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2 minutes ago, navaidstech said:

An old scanner I picked up eons ago. I believe it's called MemoScan. it did detect a faulty speed sensor when I read the ECM last week.

It's widely reported on here that cheaper devices aren't reliable, and my experience - best you use a good OBDII dongle with FORscan Lite (free) on your phone.

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10 minutes ago, 1004ron said:

It's widely reported on here that cheaper devices aren't reliable, and my experience - best you use a good OBDII dongle with FORscan Lite (free) on your phone.


Hmm... now that I think of it, I do have a Forscan dongle that would connect to my laptop. Been a while since I used it.

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