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National Park Road Trip

Tim W. AZ

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I returned home yesterday from a 2900 mile road trip with my brother. We started NW of Phoenix and drove to Grand Teton, Yellowstone, The Burr Trail and the Moki Dugway Scenic Byway (Valley of the Gods, in southern Utah.) The highest MPG I saw was 31.1 and the overall average was 29.9. We still used a lot of fuel. A wide variety of geography with rolling hills and a lot of mountain driving for 4 days. In the parks it was generally at 45-50 mph and 20-30 on the unpaved roads, but a couple of stretches the best we could do is 10-15 because of washboards. In Yellowstone it often slowed to a crawl and we sat for about a half hour a couple of times, once to let a Bison herd to pass in the opposite lane. The car ran great and adjusted nicely to the changing elevations. I found the adaptive cruise a little annoying because it reacted unevenly and jerky in certain situations. The lane centering worked well when there was less traffic. The Edge is a great road trip vehicle. Next trip from Phoenix to Minneapolis is in August and I plan to visit Monument Rocks in Kansas and Chimney Rock in Nebraska along the way.

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