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Edge Overheating...


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Hi, I have a dumb question because I don't know anything about cars. My 2008 Edge Limited started overheating today. I drove to work this morning and everything seemed fine. Went to truck on a break, started it up & turned on the AC as usual, and I realized it wasn't working, it wasn't getting cold. Drove to the store that's next door to my office and that's when I see the temp gauge read all the way hot. I switched to max heat but it didn't help much at that point. Checked the coolant reservoir to see if it was empty (had a massive leak in the system recently, causing this tank to empty out & overheating). The reservoir had coolant but I noticed a very small hole at the top. I don't ever recall having seen it before. It definitely goes all the way through. Could this be causing the overheating? 

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