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sync 3 update between models?

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Hi.  I have a 2020 ford edge titanium and a 2017 sel escape.  They both have sync 3.4 but I guess I didn't tell Ford that I upgraded the escape and so it sees it as having just an old 3.0 version on my ford website.  I have downloaded the 3.4 update for the edge and was wondering if that will work for the escape or do I have to find software only for an escape?  thanks for any help.

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thanks for the help.  You are right, it is a se, I think I was assuming a sel since it had the 2.0 and a tow package.  Anyway, I did use the Cyanlabs to update it to 3.4.  I saw that Cyanlabs newest update was the same as on Ford's website.  It just dawned on me that if I use Cyanlabs update I will also upgrade navigation on both cars, so it seems it would be best to use theirs.

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