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2009 AWD Ticking on Start - oil type?


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1st, make sure oil level is where it should be.

2nd, what weight Oil now? When was last Oil+Filter change?  Every 4kMiles\6mths.

3rd, when engine has sat for 24hr+, try a PreStart ColdCrank:  Key off, hold GasPedal to floor, Key crank 5~10sec, Key off, release GasPedal, start normally

This pre-circulates oil thru engine before starting.

4th, consider next heavier weight oil, say from 0w20 to 0w30, or 5w30 to 5w40.  Can help quiet older engines.  NameBrand FullSyn recommended.

5th, consider an Oil Additive\Treatment; can't recommend a brand, but I've used Lucas as a substitute for 1/2qt; seems little more than heavier oil, but likely helps a bit.

6th, not a kosher SAE recommendation, but I've gotten in the practice of  spraying a little CarbCleaner down the OilDipTube & OilFill

then idling the engine for 5~10min before changing the Oil+Filter; believe this helps to clear out any oil sludge buildup.


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  • 3 weeks later...

1 - checked level - its where it should be on the stick

2 - using 5w-20 syn - it has about 5k since last oil&filter change

3 - Ill try this one tomorrow ........

4 - didnt know how temperamental the engine was - has alot of miles - have no problem going to 5-30 or 5-40 syn 

5 - tried using high  mileage oil this last time - doesnt seem to help - will look at lucas when i change it

6 - will look at it - have you ever tried doing seaform prior to oil change? (maybe 100-300 miles prior)?


Thanks for the suggestions

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Does anyone have any insight on oil weights that you could use .... and any long term implications?


the standard discussions on line are all about use what it calls for(5w-20) - BUT after 180K - clearances are a  lot looser


See discussion about Ecoboost using 5w-30 in winter and 5w-40 in the summer - is that an option?



Edited by JPJMustang
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