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3rd Brake light / visor - removal / replacement

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Hi All,

 New guy here and thanks for the add. So here is my dilemma. My Wife's 2019 Edge Titanium needs a new 3rd brake light. She made contact with the garage door when the liftback was open and slowly over the past year all the L.E.D.'s have stopped working but two. It will not pass the NY state vehicle inspection. The dealer wants almost $700 to replace the thing. I purchased an OEM one off of ebay for $124. So I attempted to change it out this morning with no luck. I removed the 5 nuts holding the rear spoiler/light housing and trim easy enough. But I cannot get the rear visor/light assy. to lift off. I saw an old video on youtube and it was not much help as it was for a 2015 Edge. There has to be something that I am missing. I can see the adhesive tape but am very certain that is not it. I can lift each end up a little with effort. It feels like something in the center area (around the rear window washer) is holding the thing pretty strongly. Can anyone tell me what I am missing? are there instructions/video somewhere that shows what I am doing wrong? I don't want to pay $700 for this if possible. And, I don't want to break the visor either. I'm on disability and really don't have the money to do it anyway. PLEASE HELP!!

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  • 2 months later...

Yesterday I took everything off and prepped it ready for the delivery of the new LED today.


I had to make a trip to Lowe's for 3M mounting tape, 12 point deep 13mm socket, and blade scraper.


Used a snap blade utility knife to cut through the double sided tape, removed the 6 plastic 12 point nuts, then came the brute force to pop the spoiler off the 4 with plastic clips - I packed rags under the spoiler to create some tension, then thumped it upwards with the ball of my hand and all 4 plastic clips popped off.


The new LED light is higher quality than OEM - the clear lens is attached more securely with a good hard sealing/bonding - the clear lens just popped off the old one and suspect that allowed moisture ingress and failure of 4 out of the 12 LED's.


The only thing I would do differently would be to find thicker double sided foam tape, around 2mm thick.


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  • 2 weeks later...

With the good motorcycle weather, I haven't used my Sport much, but yesterday I noticed a rattle from the back which I suspect is due the much thinner double sided foam tape that I used.


I'm planning to take it off and remount with thicker double-sided foam tape but can't find any - any help sourcing this or even the OEM tape would be most welcome.

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Ford gives you a free Spoiler if you buy this 2017 double-sided tape/weatherstrip...




The 2017 Edge Workshop Manual provides this advice on reinstalling a Spoiler...




I expect the less elaborate contour of the GEN 1 spoiler causes its separately sold OEM tape/weatherstrip to be shorter than the GEN 2 Spoiler requires, but at slightly over $4 each, I'd be tempted to order-in two GEN 1 tapes and hope for a perfect overlapping splice cut, just to see if it worked out...




Good luck!


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Received the Gen 1 seal today and its not suitable - its real narrow and adhesive on one side only.

I got two seals - $16 incl postage.


I might try this stuff on eBay.

2mm thick

Size: 1” width x 50 feet long x 0.08” thickness



I've stopped the rattle by prying it up a little and sliding in four pieces two inch long of the 3M mounting tape, but will redo the job when I find tape that I'm happy with.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Hello all!

My daughters 2015 Ford Edge Titanium high mount third brake light lens fell off.

All the red lights are still there and everything works, just the actual lens fell off.

I hate to go through the cost of having to replace the whole dang unit just for the lens.


Has anyone replaced just the actual lens?

I looked and it is just a few tabs that hold it on.

Anyone know or have experience with this?


Thank you for any assistance!


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When ours fell off in a carwash I noticed the gasket or seal that was around the lens was dry rotted or cracked so you'd need to make sure you get a seal in addition to replacing the lense otherwise you may end up with water shorting the LEDs out pretty quickly.


The other concern would be finding just the lens since they only sell it as a whole unit. 


I purchased a new unit from Tasca, but the carwash ended up paying for it through my local dealer so I have the unit I bought on eBay if you're interested.





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23 minutes ago, TomH said:

Hello all!

My daughters 2015 Ford Edge Titanium high mount third brake light lens fell off.

All the red lights are still there and everything works, just the actual lens fell off.

I hate to go through the cost of having to replace the whole dang unit just for the lens.


Has anyone replaced just the actual lens?

I looked and it is just a few tabs that hold it on.

Anyone know or have experience with this?


Thank you for any assistance!


If you're looking for a long term fix, then the only option is replacement - see posts above where I indicate that the Dorman brand I installed was far superior to the original factory part.

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  • 9 months later...
47 minutes ago, Biggles said:

Please help My Edge sport 3rd Brake light needs replacing and i can not find a decent video of the removal and the ones above dont seem to work?  Any help gratefully received



I found the info and video posted in this thread is more than adequate for the replacement - what specifically do you mean by  "the ones above dont seem to work" ?

 Have you actually tried it and if so what part of the process are you having difficulty with?

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  • 4 weeks later...
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