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Any one have a whining noise?


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My dealer used the 'live with it' line also. I was totally frustrated with the service department, but gratified when the new car sales manager came out to listen and had never heard it before. He called the 'FSE' Field Service Engineer who claimed it to be within normal operating range for this vehicle. I took it to another dealer for a second opinion, and was told the same thing. It was a Mercury dealer and they added that it is quieter in the MKX because that is a luxury vehicle. OK...$35,000.00 is no longer a luxury vehicle. Guess I missed that memo.


Call ford corporate and complain. Keep calling to see if there is a Technical Service Bulletin yet. The only way it can get addressed is if enough of us stay with it. It is all about numbers. This is the pump ford uses and until enough of us let them know it is not acceptable for all of us, we are left cranking the stereo and wearing earplugs.


Other than that...love the car.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  barrydancer said:
Plus, the driver's door panel started creaking last night for no reason. My Edge rattles and creaks a lot, and I don't know if it's the result of the crappy, uneven, pot-hole strewn roads in this town or what.


I've deduced that my creaking may have something to do with my window. If you roll the wiondow down even a slight bit, the creaking sound goes goes away.

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  • 3 months later...
  barbieann said:
hi...i am new to this board. ifound it when i was researching the high pitch whine i hear in my newly purchased 2008 edge. i have taken it it numerous times as it is very annoying and to the point where my ears ring for quite some time after i drive it. the mechanics at the dealer do not hear it, but the new car sales manager was shocked when i got him out in my car. now he can hear it all the time over the music and fans and everything. i have called ford customer service and they encouraged me to go on the boards and request all of you on the boards to call them to report that you can hear this also. it, as of right now is what is considered a normal noise for the fuel pump to make but most people cannot hear the frequency or pitch that this is. they explained that they cannot do anything without enough people reporting it. if you cannot hear it and your kids can...believe them. it is there and unfortunatly, going to force me to sell at a great loss the car i wanted nothing more than to love.


I have a 2008 Limited and it didn't whine when I got it but around 7K it started and is most annoying. I took it in for service and got the same response as many of the posters have indicated. The service guy at my dealer said "yup, its the fuel pump, they all have it. Its normal. Have a nice day"


My family avoids riding in my car because the noise is so bad. Its there all the time, you can even hear it with the radio on unless it is turned up quite a bit. I went from telling everyone that asked "how do you like the Edge" that it is great, to, if I could sell it for what I owe on it I'd dump it in a minute.


I'm now looking for the customer service number on the off chance that someone will eventually admit there is a problem. By the way, I just got back from having the oil changed at the dealership and saw the service mgr that said it was normal last month and asked if anyone else had complained about it and he said "No, we have not had any complaints other than yours". I guess Ford is doing so well that they don't have to worry about unsatisfied customers.

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  cj9of12 said:
I have a 2008 Limited and it didn't whine when I got it but around 7K it started and is most annoying. I took it in for service and got the same response as many of the posters have indicated. The service guy at my dealer said "yup, its the fuel pump, they all have it. Its normal. Have a nice day"


My family avoids riding in my car because the noise is so bad. Its there all the time, you can even hear it with the radio on unless it is turned up quite a bit. I went from telling everyone that asked "how do you like the Edge" that it is great, to, if I could sell it for what I owe on it I'd dump it in a minute.


I'm now looking for the customer service number on the off chance that someone will eventually admit there is a problem. By the way, I just got back from having the oil changed at the dealership and saw the service mgr that said it was normal last month and asked if anyone else had complained about it and he said "No, we have not had any complaints other than yours". I guess Ford is doing so well that they don't have to worry about unsatisfied customers.

So I called the "Ford Customer Relations"...long story short, they called my dealer to see if I was telling the truth and the dealer confirmed what I had said. Then they recited what sure sounded like a well rehearsed mantra about the dealers have advanced training and diagnosic equipment (I guess they have bionic ears now) and in this case "Ford agrees with the dealer's assessment that the whine is within Ford acceptable specifications". So I (and I guess all the rest of the people on this forum) just have to deal with it.


The guy even had the nerve to tell me that I should check out the web site for the exciting deals that Ford was offering on new vehicles.


Wow...I have never bought a foreign car but I am seriously considering it now.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey cj9of12,


Do you still hear it in the summer months? In the winter it is very obvious, but I don't hear it as much in the summer. Maybe it's because I have the air on or the radio louder. Either way, come this winter, if it is still there, I'm going to go to every ford dealership until they fix it.

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  gobucks777 said:
'07 AWD SEL Plus. Only 14K miles. I've got the whining noise too. Annoying as hell. Sounds like Ford won't do a thing about it.


Hi gobucks. :D Your Edge should still be under the Bumper to Bumper Warranty (3 years/36,000). Take it in for service, then you will know what Ford will or will not do for it.


Let us know the outcome.


Good luck. :beerchug:

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  • 1 month later...

27,000 miles and it started. It happens randomly and seems to be comming from the drivers side rear area. When I apply the brakes or turn the wheel it stops. I have noticed that the frequency of the sound issue is increasing. Brought it to the dealer and they found nothing? Stay tuned

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Hello All,

Just bought my 2008 Edge Limited 6 days ago with 12,500 miles. I too have the high pitch whine. It has nothing to do with the radio, driving, or A/C. It doesn't matter if its cold or not. It's 90deg. here in Texas! No word from Dealers...other than "live with it?" I hate to take mine back for the same response.



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  schrief said:
I live in MN and its darn cold out! I have noticed, over the last month or so, that when my vehicle is running, there is a constant whining noise. It's almost like the fuel pump is going out or is really loud. I thought for some stupid reason it might be the sync computer system, but if I turn the radio off, the noise doesn't go away. I really notice it when I'm driving down the highway, and I exit and come up to the light. I was thinking that is most likely the fuel pump, because when fuel pumps heat up, they some times make more noise, but the issue with this idea, is that it makes the noise right when I start it up as well. Its an 08 with 6k on it. Anyone else having or had this issue?





Hey - it is your fuel pump. Our 09 does the same thing and the Dealer in Wichita KS admits FORD knows about the problem. Not enough people have complained about it yet.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have a 2008 Ford Edge also. I've taken it to the shop a lot once to have themostat replace, then to have the freeze plug. It's been making the whinning noise also. I asked the guy in service he said it was the fuel pump and there was nothing I could do about it. I refuse to believe that. I have another another appointment because they screwed up my ac vents. Wow, I wish I never got this car.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Found the source of my high pitched whine/sound. IT IS THE HEATER MOTOR. I had developed some suspicions based on when and how it occured. This morning there it was loud and obnoxious. Switched off the heating and away it went together with a wining down sound. Switched on the heating, there it was. Repeated it four times. Same thing every time. Now i just have to get it to do it when I am at the dealers.

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  • 4 months later...
  On 2/5/2009 at 3:53 PM, schrief said:

Mine as well, I can be sitting at a light or just starting the vehicle and it makes the noise. I have some mechanical back ground experience and I'm pretty sure its the fuel pump.


On a side note, this is my first new vehicle I have ever had. I have always told myself I would buy used. Many reasons, biggest one would be to save money. But with this, I got the 0% loan and with a used car it would have cost me 5-7%.


With that being said, there are things that I'm very happy about with the vehicle, and other things that i'm not. I have a 2008 FWD Limited. Lucky so far, I haven't had any issues with the 20" wheels, but I have had some issues.


First issue, there was a rattle in the Vista roof. Brought that in and it was fixed. Now its all the little annoying things. I have commented on the rattling passenger seat, the winning fuel pump, and I also have other rattles here and there.


For example, I live in MN and yes, it is fricken cold out. What I notice when it is 10 degrees or colder out is that my vista roof makes noise on almost every bump I got over. If I hit the open button, just for a sec, it fixes the issue for that one trip generally. The noise is almost like cold glass making a creeking sound. I understand that when its cold out, a vehicle would make more noises, but it's so annoying. I find myself turning down my tunes and listening to all the creeks and moans. I also get a creek and moan around the windshield. I have a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee and I don't remember it making any noises like this vehicle makes. Maybe I'm more aware because it is brand new.


I would bring it in for the fuel pump, and passenger seat issue, but I just hate dealing with dealerships. I can see all ready what they are going to say. These are normal things and there is nothing we can do about it. I will argue my case, they will look at it for a couple more days, and nothing will get fixed and I will get my vehicle back with 50 more miles on it and a dirty smell from the mechanic that drove it around. That and the fact I'm out my vehicle which I need!


On the bright side,I drive 60 miles a day back and forth to work. I'm getting between 20 - and 22 mpg. I have filled the tank up, reset my miles and checked it again when I fill it up. I do take highways to work, but I drive though the heart of Minneapolis, with a lot of stop and go traffic. I agree with what a lot of people have claimed, it really depends on how you drive your edge. I don't baby it, but I am a little soft on the pedal when I know I'm only going to move 10 feet and stop again. :banghead: My rant for the day.


I might have an answer for you regarding " creek and moan around the windshield". I had a squeak coming from the bottom edge of the windshield on the passenger side. A little investigating showed me that there are 3 metal clips that run along the bottom edge of the windshield on the outside. When they're dry the squeaking starts especially with any body roll like going up a driveway. Take off the plastic screens along the bottom of the windshield and squirt a little oil on the clips. Done!

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  • 2 months later...

Had the fuel pump replaced on our '08 Limited when the original whine became unbearable. Replacement ran fine for a few weeks, now whines just as loud as the first. Dealership hands are tied since Ford have no solution to offer. Young folks sitting in the rear of the car find it nauseating (yes - really) as they are more susceptible to high frequency sounds. Love the car....but this, coupled to an ignition detonation knocking issue that we have had from new and also seems beyond Fords ability to solve, will herald the end of our Edge ownership.


Sorry Ford, you just lost an Edge customer who really, really wanted to like this car. It is your support of the dealer that is lacking here, not the dealership's fault as the problems "are within manufacturers spec and tolerances".



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  • 1 month later...

I have the high pitched whistle problem as well. I am embarrassed to even go through the drive-thru that it is sooo loud. It happens while in motion and while parked. I can still hear it in my ears. Turning on or off the A/C has absolutely no effect. The car has less than 22K miles on it. I live in Phoenix, AZ and bought the car less than a month ago used.


I have made a video which you can hear the noise in it.




I have not taken the car to the dealership, fear they will just say "live with it". Sometimes the car drives normal and I hear no noise, but it is times like this when it really makes me regret buying the vehicle. If anybody is interested, I can make another video if it wasn't clear/loud enough.



Edited by nathan84
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