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Has anyone used Dorman lug nuts?

ben senise

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On 12/11/2023 at 11:16 AM, Chipster said:

Ben; I find myself need to replace the lug nuts on my 2016. Did you buy the Dorman, and if so how have they been? If you did not buy Dorman what did you go with and how have they done for you?


sorry for the late reply. i haven't been on the forum as much lately.


i eneded up buying the Gorilla 61148FS - LUG NUTS; FACTORY BULGE LUG 13/16" 14-1.50 CHR


i ordered some gorilla nuts but they were the wrong size on the tapered part. thread size and socket size were fine but the conical tapered part was fine. it seems that the "bulge" designation is important.


i've had them for about a year now and have changed tires 3x and they seem fine. i'm 100% satisfied.

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  • 11 months later...

Yes, I realize this is an old thread, but someone searching for Dorman lug nuts may happen upon it.


3D Printed Dorman closed-end shells/caps are available for Dorman lug nuts 611-109 and 611-224 at https://www.ebay.com/itm/167182545561


Designed to reduce the chance of rust in states and municipalities where road salts are used in the winter. 

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Don't have the problem on my 2009 MKX, but if i did, I'd just buy a 21.5 mm socket (what it was designed for) and let the OEM nuts swell. 


Here's one example of a 21.5 mm impact socket. 


DAKCOS 1/2-inch Drive 20.5 x 21.5 mm Impact Lug Nut Flip Socket, Half Size Ford Lug Nut Socket, CR-MO https://a.co/d/9lDsd2J


Edited by enigma-2
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