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2022 st line - Strange rattling noise HELLPP

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Help help help lol



2022 ford edge st line 900 miles


this thing is making the strangest noise. Low rpm OR when shifting out of park or into park. A very short maybe 1/2-1 second little noise that almost sounds like hummingbirds wings flapping really fast, or someone flicking a guitar string…it’s not a felt vibration, just a noise..has anyone encountered this before 

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2022 ST Line, 15,100 miles, The car is getting a very soft but definitely noticeable rattle, the noise resembles the sound of a 2 second cricket chirp, or a relay that has bad contacts and someone is rattling/shaking it. It only makes the noise ANYTIME you interact with the brake pedal, so slowing down driving down the highway or simply taking the vehicle out of park. I was reading about ford having issues with a brake release cable on other vehicles so I tried disconnecting it from trans just to try it and the noise did not go anywhere. It’s definitely coming from the driver side dash/footwell area, with hood popped you can hear around the transmission area side. 
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