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2016 Rough Idle-Oil in plug wells after hard acceleration

Cheyenne Carpenter

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Hello all,

Cant seem to diagnose an issue with my wife's 2016 2.0 Ecoboost.


She accelerated hard to pass a car and the car went into limp mode. What I found when I started looking into it:

  1. Spark plug wells filled with oil
  2. Oil all over engine (assuming this was due to the air in the engine bay blowing the oil all over)


Next steps I took:

  1. Replaced the valve cover gaskets
  2. Replaced the spark plugs
  3. Thoroughly cleaned the coils and boots
  4. Checked all coils and plugs for spark (all 4 are firing as expected)


Now its is idling very rough and throwing a cylinder 4 misfire code (P0304-showing 2 of these codes, one appears to be a permanent code). CEL starts flashing after it runs for a few seconds. It also sounds like the HPFP is making a clicking or ticking noise that comes and goes. I am noticing some white vapor on startup around the engine bay, but goes away.

Possible injector went bad? And I have read that these engines do have the issue with the bad blocks leaking coolant into the cylinder, but I haven't noticed any smell of it burning coolant off. It has been loosing some coolant, but there is a small crack in the reservoir so I attributed the coolant lose to that, but may be wrong.


Not sure what else could be or what else to check, or what could have caused everything just from accelerating hard.

Edited by Cheyenne Carpenter
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Ok, how do I do the leak down test?

I have swapped the coils out with an older set that I had and tested all of them again. All are firing with both sets of coils.

Old plugs looked all looked similar, kind of hard to tell bc when I pulled them they got covered in oil from what was left in the plug wells but nothing appeared to be wrong with any of them.


Tried to do a compression test, but my battery died so Im charging it to try it again, but what I was able to test was Cylinder 1-125#, Cylinder 2-108#, didnt get a chance to test Cylinder 3, Cylinder 4 didnt register any compression (tried it twice). Will try again once battery is charged, but its looking like it dropped #4. Strange is its not making any abnormal noise other than the misfire.

Edited by Cheyenne Carpenter
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