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Ford edge 2018 3,5 V6 jerking on gear 3,4 and 5


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My Ford with automatic transmission is jerking only on gear 3,4,5, while accelerating (from 0 to 5,000). Above 5000 jerking stops. Jerking is somehow dependent on the external temperature: when there is around 20 it doesn’t jerk for about 3 miles, when 50 it jerks right away.


Oil changed to Motocraft lv (I also tried to pour some thicker oil - ATF 220 but didn’t help)


Below have been replaced and car made 3k milage afterwards but didn’t help as well: gearbox, converter, gearbox harness, radiator, gearbox cooler, gearbox controller.


Also, there are no gearbox fault codes in the transmission drivers and engine drivers and the software has been updated to the newest version. There are no issues with adaptive gearbox system, engine and gearbox temperature or battery.


Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you.


Ford edge 2018 3,5 V6, 6 gears, front wheel drive, automatic transmission, milage 30k

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