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2019 USB Ports Won't Charge My Phone


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Hello folks.  Newbie here.  I have a 2019 Titanium where the USB ports, either in the under dash compartment or behind the center armrest, won't charge either my I-Phone or my wife's Samsung.  Thinking it may be a blown fuse, I located the fuse panel under the dash, but would need Houdini to actually get at the fuses to check them.  Further, the blue lights circling each port would suggest that in fact there is power there.


Any suggestions?


Thanks - Garry

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What I was thinkin of was 'this' cable with 'these' ports. With your phone plugged in via usb cable, does your phone show it to be connected via usb? 

That the halo ring is lighting up indicates the port is getting power. The phone obviously works, so the cable is suspect. (It's possible that one port is bad, but all ports)?


Personally, I charge via a power cord plugged into a power point as it charges much faster than usb. The only time i use usb is to listen to an audio book copied to my phone. (But I haven't done this in a couple of years. Prefer sirus for entertainment.)

Edited by enigma-2
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  • 1 year later...

Been just over a year since your post, Garry. Just wondering if you found a solution. I have the exact same problem, even ended up getting a new USB module from a Ford dealer. As with the one I replaced, the blue LEDs still light up, but won't connect or charge. And yes, that fuse box location is freaking ridiculous! Also, the owners manual is not clear on the fuse location for the USB module.




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I wouldn't use the USB ports for charging a phone, they seem to only do a max of .5 amps. However I do use Android Auto and Apple Carplay, so the phones need to be plugged into those ports for use. Most of the time my Android phone has a lower battery charged percentage when I get to where I am going than it started with. On my 6+ hour drives I have to make sure I have enough battery left. However it is charging, and it is connected data wise.


I will have to check rate with the wireless pad, and I always place my phone in that cubby but I am sure wired "charging" and not wireless charging is done when plugged in and on the pad.


Driver uses the USB ports and sticks their phone in the cubby:


Passenger uses a 12v PD/QC3 charger in the 12v socket on the side of the console (poor position for it, always gets kicked).

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I don't charge my phone at home during the week.

My 40 minute commute charges my S23 (previously Fold4, both large screens and heavily used) to 100% plugged in to the Cubby USB ports using android auto.

Waze is active the whole commute time.

On the weekends i usually forget to charge my phone because of this effective weekday charging.


So I would think that there is definitely something wrong with the USB ports on the subject Vehicle.


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Whether you're able to charge your cell in a 40 minute drive or not is really  dependent on its level of discharge and age.


If the cell doesn't full charge while on USB doesn't necessarily mean the ports are bad. Cheap cable, dirty connections, heavily discharged battery or old phone are all factors that can contribute to a slow charge.


I use a Verizon charger plugged into a front power point. About the best I can expect. USB is slower and the pad (used one in my MKX) is downright annoying (abet convenient). 

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