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Looking at a 2011 AWD


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Tempted to buy a 2011 Edge AWD Limited with 103k for $11k.  I was all excited until I read about the PTU problems!


What's the best way to make sure AWD is working?  Take it on a gravel road and floor it?


I'll climb underneath it to see if any of the oil is puking out of the top vent hole on the PTU.


If I buy it and AWD works, can I just use a pump to get the old stuff out or do I need to tap a drain plug in the bottom?  


Are ALL PTUs failing eventually?  


Thanx :)

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All PTUs will fail eventually, yes, just how many miles you can boast on them before they do.  Best for highway cruisers, from anecdotal evidence.  Regular PTU (and RDU) fluid changes can stave off the eventuality. Figure on 7-800$ for parts and 4-5 hrs for labor if it needs replacement.  there are some superhigh mileage gen 1 (2007-2010) vehicles that have not needed a new PTU AND are on original fluid. But don't expect that to be the case with a 10 year old vehicle with only 100K on the clock.  expect to change ALL fluids asap after vehicle purchase.


2015+ PTUs get drain plugs, but servicing need doesn't really go away.

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Thanks, that's exactly what I concluded after watching many videos. lol.   


Car looks brand new, 1 owner.  Definitely was taken care of.  The sunroof wouldn't close without helping it, so I think it needs to be cleaned/greased.  That's my main concern.  The dealer said he was able to get it cleaned up and it's working now, so I think I'm going to buy it.  Nothing else out there for $11.5K with 103k that's less than 10 years old and has this much tech.

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opening or closing fully should take under 10 seconds when operating at normal speed.  7 seconds is not unusual.



well we are here to support :) but i highly recommend getting all fluids refreshed asap.  coolant, transmission, power steering, brake, and AWD. check battery health also with a digital battery tester (V and CCAs).

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I have a 2011 Ford Edge Limited (but not all wheel drive).   It's a great car and loaded in terms of technology!  I have been car shopping for the last 3-4 months, and it's been kind of funny to hear the sales people try to sell a me new SUV by showing off features that my 10 year old Edge already has.  

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