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Dash Warning Light Problem


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I bought a 2007 Edge in October. After a month 5 dash warning lights started comming on periodically. Door open light, traction control light, high beam light, low tire pressure light, parking brake light. They would come on all at the same time and flash and sometime stay on for a while then go out then back on again. We drove the vehicle for a couple weeks and no problem. Today all the lights came on and stayed on all day.


What the heck is going on? Local Ford dealer said they never heard this before. I had a diagnostic tester put on it and there were no error codes. This is very irritating to say the least.


Anybody know what is going on?





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I think I have it fixed. You wont believe it. It was the battery. My wife went out this morning to start it and it was dead. I put a charger on it for 15 minutes and it started right up. I left the charger on it for several hours and it never charged up. I think a cell went bad in the battery. I installed a new battery and drove it 10 miles and the warning lights do not come on. It never gave any warning that the battery was going out. It always turned over and started very easily. My recommendation to anyone who has dash lights comming on like I did is get a load test done on the battery at your local auto store or just go out and spend $60 for a new battery.



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Well the battery was not the fix for the dash lights. We went for a 100 mile drive today and the lights came on again. Intermittantly at first then eventually stayed on. If anyone out there knows what it could be I would really appreciate the advice because I am at a loss.

Edited by buckwheat1977
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  • 1 month later...

Well those ##%$^#@@# light keep comming on even with the new instrument cluster. My Ford deal is working with me and trying to help. basically I have kept track each day when they come one. About 75% of the days I drive it they come on. Usually only for about a minute then off. My old instrument cluster did this then eventually stayed on all the time even when the key was off the dash lights would stay on. One individual in this forum said it could be the smart junction box. Could that still be it?

Does anyone have any input on this? I have a bad CD player. it gives an eject error. Could this be causing the problem in any way?


Edited by buckwheat1977
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I don't have a Ford and I don't even have a car , the only reason I joined this is to help you .


when electric things go crazy like this , you must suspect a shorted together wires on the path of electricity that sends electricity to your unwanted load - dash lights - , also check your relays , if one is stuck open or closed .


I think your battery problem was a result , not a cause of your electricity problems


follow the path of dashboard lights on your workshop manual , it will make it easier


Tell me if I am correct , please

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  • 2 months later...

I have a 2002 Chevy Trailblazer, being replaced this week by a 2013 Edge AWD Limited!


I had a similar issue with a taillight going thru bulbs like crazy, the electronic shifter going into 4WD drive randomly, and other "what the heck was that" issues . Had into the dealer multiple times. After about a year of this, they finally found it...A loose ground wire on the tranny. Once they remedied that, all the electronic issues went away!


Maybe that's worth asking about?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Ford dealer was more than willing to work with me to find the problem. I was documenting every time the lights came in. Almost every day. Then since about March they have not come on at all. It is the craziest thing. I have a 1 year warrantey on that instrument cluster. It will be winter again before the warrenty is up. Maybe that has something to do with it. Who knows. I am not sure I will be buying an Edge again if so many people are having trouble like this and it keeps acting up and they cant fix it. Its rediculous. Why should we have to pay for a bad design?

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  • 1 year later...

Have you had any luck with this issue? I had a 2008 edge come in the shop today with the same issue. Along with what you described the turn signal indicators were inoperable but continued to work on the exterior of the vehicle. Also the problem only occurs when the vehicle is driven in the rain. With the problem being intermittent diagnosis is being tricky at this point. These systems are only connected by a CAN bus so tomorrow when i have some time with it i will determine which of these systems is most like to be exposed to water. But if i find anything out ill post it here and if have any further input i would appreciate it.

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  • 1 year later...
  On 7/14/2012 at 3:52 AM, buckwheat1977 said:

The Ford dealer was more than willing to work with me to find the problem. I was documenting every time the lights came in. Almost every day. Then since about March they have not come on at all. It is the craziest thing. I have a 1 year warrantey on that instrument cluster. It will be winter again before the warrenty is up. Maybe that has something to do with it. Who knows. I am not sure I will be buying an Edge again if so many people are having trouble like this and it keeps acting up and they cant fix it. Its rediculous. Why should we have to pay for a bad design?

Hi i have a ford edge 2010 and i have the same problem as you described.

i have the blue hi beam light on the dash all the time and at night the lights are on in the dash display.

I have also noticed that if i use the indicators they don't show up on the dash but they are working on the outside.

there is another problem i have noticed that the reverse sensors are not working ?

please tell me if you found the solution to your problem and where i should start.

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THe key to the flaky problems you are experiencing may likely answered by the blazer issue with the bad GROUND.


They will have to make certain that the grounding lugs for the instrument panel, likely at a junction box as well are grounded properly.


You must make certai n that the grounds are clean, and tight. The ground to the frame and the battery ground must be cleaned and tightened.


I was a Biomedical Field Engineer for over 8 years in my past. I have seen a bad ground cause many intermittent problems...Best of luck

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  • 11 months later...

Was this issue ever resolved? I am having the same problem on my wife's 07 MKX. She went through the car wash this morning and a few minutes later all the warning lights came on the dash (TMPS, check brakes) the flat tire indicator, the high beam indicator, etc, etc. When you turn the car off, the dash lights and the high beam indicator stay on. Any indication to where to start would be greatly appreciated.

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