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Choosing tune!


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Hello All,


I have read some posts that are a little older but didn't see anything recent. I have a 17 Edge Sport and am looking for recommendations/results from the well know players talked about in the "tune" mods list. Addionally if someone can explain the basics of the "Exx" tunes or where i can go to do my own research that would be much appreciated! Thanks! 

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I recently got an E50 tune from Unleashed tuning and couldn't be happier. E50 refers to 50% ethanol, E30 is 30% ethanol, etc. etc. USUALLY you will have to mix pump gas and E85 to get your desired Ethanol content. There are a couple of ways around mixing fuels, but I believe mixing to be the most common. Ethanol has much greater cooling capacity than gasoline and therefore timing can be advanced more to create more power without causing detonation in the cylinders (which will QUICKLY destroy the engine). There are several other companies that write tunes but I can only speak about 5 Star and Unleashed when it comes to ecoboost tunes. I had a 5Star tune on a 2015 3.5EB F-150 and wasn't really much of a fan. It seemed to be powerful-ish but left a lot to be desired in the driveability department. I have had unleashed 93 tune on a 2017 fusion sport, 93 unleashed tune on my 2015 edge sport and now an E50 unleashed tune on my 2015 edge sport. Unleashed is much more powerful and refined in my experience. Ask 10 different people and you'll probably get 5 different answer on which tuner is best.

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Mixing is easy as long as you go to a pump that has E85 and gasoline on the same pump. The math for mixing is a little more difficult. For example if you are mixing E85 with 0% ethanol pump gas to get E50, you have to mix a different amount than if you have E85 and the gas at the pump has 10% or more ethanol in the gasoline. On an explorer ST forum I said a picture of a gas pump in KC that had 30% ethanol in their 93 octane gas, which would require zero mixing if you're running E30. There are plenty of apps you can use on your phone to auto calculate how much of each fuel is required. I have an app call e85cal that I use.


Cost from unleashed? I already had an SCT tuner so it was $200 for the E50 tune. If you do not already have an SCT tuner I believe it is $450 for the tuner and tune.


As far as power gains from a 93 octane tune vs stock 87? IIRC it is something in the ballpark of 60/90 hp/tq. That's really just a guess though since I've never had mine dynoed

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I have not upgraded either of those. Honestly I don't know much about the "why" behind upgraded spark plugs other than spark "blow out". But since we are already turbocharged (as opposed to going from NA to FI) I don't know why the stock plugs wouldn;t work just fine. Upgraded thermostat allows the thermostat to open at a lower temperature to help your engine run cooler, but I believe a good FMIC will help more than a different thermostat unless you're constantly pushing it hard, pushing it hard for long periods of time, or just live in a hot ass environment.


I replaced my spark plugs about 10k miles ago with the stock plugs and haven't had any issues. I will likely do an FMIC upgrade but theres no point in the middle of winter in Louisville KY IMO.

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Fundamentally the tune is just advancing the timing and the more advanced the higher octane required.  Ethanol has super high octane ratings - E85 is something like 108 octane.  E30 would be in between premium at 93 and E85 at 108.   Also allows more turbo boost without detonation.   But you MUST run the required octane level.

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I went ahead and ordered from Unleashed. I'm getting 2 tunes. I'll start with the 93 then decide on the E tune after making sure I fully understand getting the mixture right. I am also looking for and exterior upgrades anyone has done. And what tires are you guys running? 

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As far as mixing calculations, your best bet is do download a phone app to calculate how much of each fuel you would need for a mixture.


I'll use E50 since that's what I am running. I mix E85 (85% ethanol) and pump 93 (10% ethanol, Not all pump gas has ethanol in it but it should say it on the pump, E10 is pretty common for pump gas these days though). If I need a total of 10 gallons with 50% of that fuel being ethanol, then I would meed 5.33 gallons of E85 and 4.67 gallons of pump gas.

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If you're gonna run an E blend of fuel, I would highly suggest getting an E85 tester, as E85 blends can vary wildly, and if you're tuned on the ragged edge and consistently running less E than you're tuned for, it can end up costing you an engine.  Plus it'll just run better with the proper blend.  



Also, tunes do a lot more than just change or advance the timing.  The air fuel ratio is adjusted, shift points, line pressure, etc.  It's a lot. 

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I'm excited. I've owned a 13 X5M(mechanical nightmare) so I'm just trying to get whatever I can "safely" get from the edge to have scooting around town. It seems like if you take the time to properly control ethanol levels an E tune is my best bet? Or just stick with the 93?

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  On 12/15/2020 at 2:38 PM, ShaunG said:

That's what I've been hearing. I'm definitely going to start with 93 and see how that goes. I also ordered a dragy so I'll have before and after for anyone interested in the unleashed tuning performance boosts




I'm very interested, especially if you go E50 tune after the 93 tune.  I love my Dragy for sure.  I'm the fastest edge in my region. ? 

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  On 12/15/2020 at 2:59 PM, ShaunG said:

Who's tune are you using? What type of 0-60 times? 




I'm on Livernois Motorsports E30 tune.  Back on their 93 tune my best 0-60 was 4.9 Seconds(4.7 with 1 ft rollout), but traction was an issue for sure.  With wider, stickier tires even on the heavy rims 4.7-4.6 would be 100% feasible and 12's no problem.  I caught a little bit of traction finally and ran 12.8's on the E30 tune, still spinning though.  On 93 I have no doubt 12.9's were in it as well, if I could've gotten traction.  



I would assume unleashed/any "custom" tune would be quicker for sure.  Livernois is relatively canned/one size fits all.  Still really, really happy with it though.  



On E30 I kept within a car of a base model C7 convertible corvette.  Not saying I beat him or even close, but keeping within a car, in a quiet, unassuming, stock looking SUV got me a major smile and thumbs up from the guy.  



SS of 0-60 run 



Edited by CrackedDSM
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  On 12/15/2020 at 3:14 PM, ShaunG said:

That's awesome! I'd be happy with a sub 5 sec 0-60. That's enough to runn away from most cars at a stop light! Very nice! 




It is super fun, honestly.  I have two DSMs that are both well under the 11 second mark, and every time I get in this edge I thoroughly enjoy it.  The tune made a world of difference and I couldn't be happier.  I'm having to stop myself from doing anything else because I am 100% confident I could get this heavy pig into the 11's, but then I'd have to buy ANOTHER daily driver, and I can't have anything boring, so I'd probably get an Explorer ST and then that needs an intercooler, E85 conversion, sticky tires, and an exhaust at minimum...and then history repeats itself. ?


It's gotta be one of my favorite vehicles ever.  Especially because it attracts NO attention from Johnny Law.  I don't even get a first glance, much less a second.  Completely go by unnoticed.  And it's still enough to surprise your average ecoboost mustang, V6 Camaro, older V8 mustangs, etc.  

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Those X5M's are no joke.  Especially tuned.  I like how fast the Euro vehicles can be, but my god are they a nightmare to work on, maintain, and god forbid fix if something goes wrong.  



The whole VANOS thing is legendarily notorious, and that's just the start.  Love to ride in or rent them, but would never own one. Lol. 

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