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Hey guys i was seeing if you can please help me out with a 2016 edge sport with HIDs. The issue is that the headlights do not work, neither right or left, low or high. turn singles work and so do the bottom led running lights. all fuses appear to be good, no bcm codes stored, while monitoring live data on the bcm, it registers all functions of the light switch and turn signal switch.

strange thing is though, i can cycle active and inactive for the headlights with my scan tool and they do not come on, but when i go to read the bcm trouble codes and its running through its process, each low beam headlight comes on momentarily as it runs its test but the high beams do not come on. all other lights i am able to manipulate with the scanner. i am kinda stumped at this point, leaning towards maybe the bcm being bad, but i would hate to just throw parts at it. does anyone happen to have the headlight wiring diagram or other suggestions on what to check.

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