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Where is the SelectShift "shift indicator lamp"?

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I posted the same topic, see below,  in the ST forum  but received only one reply.  That reply suggested that the owners manual might be wrong, which I realize is quite possible.  I know there are many other Edge ST owners in the forums.  Does anyone else realize that  per the SUPPLEMENT  there is suppose to be a "shift indicator lamp"?   Does anyone know where or what it is?   Has anyone developed a satisfactory technique (shift points ,etc.) for using the paddles in the S mode with or without the "shift indicator lamp'.  For anyone who attended the ST Experience event, was the S mode using paddles part of the experience?   I realize the "shift indicator lamp" it is not a big deal, but I am just curious. 


Page 12 of the FORD EDGE ST SUPPLEMENT provided with the owners manual (see attached), states that when using the paddle shifters you should take notice of the "shift indicator lamp" which alerts you when to shift to help you achieve the optimum level of efficiency and fuel economy.  Where or what is the "shift indicator lamp" ?   Maybe the  paddles shifters will function better if shifts are made per the "shift indicator lamp" alerts.  Has anyone developed a technique for achieving a satisfactory 3rd to 4th shift (2nd gear might be part of the problem also) using the paddle shifters in the S mode?  



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1 hour ago, dajo2012 said:

No paddle shifting at Ford EXP.  We barely had any time before we stopped. Even the auto cross parts was for 30 seconds each run. Have not seen a shift light.  How about when ign comes on all light light briefly  then don't they?

Thanks, good thought. I checked and did not see a "shift indicator lamp".  It would probably be in the left display when in the S mode and using the paddles.   I don't think there is a lamp test mode that would pick it up..   

There  is an S lamp in the bottom left hand corner of the left display when in the  the S mode with out paddle mode selected.  The S lamp goes out when the paddle mode is selected.  As such, that lamp has nothing to do with optimum shifting.  

When the paddle mode is selected, the S lamp as mentioned above is not illuminated,  but there is a  selected gear indicator lamp illuminated  in the center of the tach in left display indicating which gear, S!, S2, S3... S8, you have selected by the paddles.  I believe this gear indicator will flash if the engine RPM is too low for the gear you are trying to upshift to or if the RPM becomes too low for the gear you are in. If the situation is not corrected I believe the transmission automatically downshift for you.  The indicator lamp basically provides a stall alert and protection by automatic downshifting if required.

As far as I can tell this indicator lamp does not provide a high rev alert.  The transmission  will not automatically upshift to prevent engine damage. 

Seems like this lamp could have been made to function as the advertised  "shift indication lamp" to achieve  the optimum level of efficiency and fuel economy", but was not.  For me, the context of the supplement's "shift indication lamp" statement, indicates that alerts are provided for optimal upshifting and downshifting.  Blowing the engine should not be considered optimal.  Maybe I am reading too much into it?


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