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2010 Edge Moon Roof Drain Line


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There are no drain lines for the moonroof. It uses channels external to the window that run along side. (The old drain tubes would clog, causing water backup and overflow into the cabin).


If you getting water in the cabin in a 2010, on the drivers side, check the a/c drain. It terminates on the underside, on the drivers side, on the bottom side ob the xmission hump. Can usually blow it open with air (don't crank to 100 psi) and expect to get wet.


If you find this was the cause, I'd recommend pumping some "Kool It" into the heater/evap core housing as stagnant water usually develops mold and mildew this time of year (and you end up breathing it).




There are several YouTube videos on how to do this (you wiggle the hose up the drain and press the botton).



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Actually that sounds like a leak around the antenna. Easy way to check. Pull the console down, (if I remember correctly you pull the back first) unplug the lights & switches and you'll see the bottom of the antenna.


Have someone pour or hose water around the antenna base and watch from inside. May just need to tighten the screws that hold the antenna base to the car.

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