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AM Wheels on edge


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I am seeing a lot of photos with your edges and they're aftermarket wheels. My husband and I are interested in putting some on our 2016 edge but unsure about sizes that wont compromise the ride. Please feel free to comment photos of your edge and your aftermarket wheels. We have a white edge with a lot of black trim so I am leaning more towards black rims. Thanks for any info! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

We bought these 20 inch wheels made for Mustang's from Discount Tire. Our Edge came with 20 inch wheels. Their web site will tell you if the wheels will fit your Edge or not. These wheels come in Black also. Pick out the wheels you like and see if they say they will fit or not. The wheels came to their store in a few days and had new tires installed also. 56768817_1980-01-0100_01_10.thumb.jpg.0aad1dbd79012c1a38537864f4f430c0.jpg1631582661_1980-01-0100_01_26.thumb.jpg.cc0818cf5385754bba07496bed1d5636.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tirerack.com is one of the goto places for tires and aftermarket wheels. One nice feature is, after you input your vehicle, it selects only the tires or wheels that are designiled to fit your particular car, and once you find a wheel that looks interesting,  click on the "VIEW ON VEHICLE" link to see exactly what that wheel will look like on your car. (You may need to change the cars color in the photo to get an accurate picture). 


https://m.tirerack.com/content/tirerack/mobile/en/wheels.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwudb3BRC9ARIsAEa-vUvEFVpvBKdt8ccK1wM6RL6pZVtnCYHa9l9hBuevwZbJWwxW3k5XiEEaAtQBEALw_wcB&ef_id=Cj0KCQjwudb3BRC9ARIsAEa-vUvEFVpvBKdt8ccK1wM6RL6pZVtnCYHa9l9hBuevwZbJWwxW3k5XiEEaAtQBEALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!3756!3!315872893334!e!!g!!tirerack.com wheels&gclsrc=aw.ds



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