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Navigation Loading Error

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I have a 2019 Edge Titanium and recently got a Navigation Loading Error.

Shortly after starting the car I got a warning chime and a screen notice that Navigation could not load.

I stopped the car and restarted it, but got the same error.

I drove a short distance and shut the car down for 2 hours, then restarted and the Navigation loaded normally.


Has anyone else had this problem or know what might cause it?



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Hey CF,

If you're still under warranty I'd suggest you roll by your Ford dealer just to let them know about your issue and make a record of it.  I haven't seen one but maybe there's a TSB for the issue that requires an update. 

If you've updated your maps recently be sure to mention it and if you've made changes to your APIM (with FORScan) you might want to go back to factory settings then make your changes again one-by-one to see if a change caused the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Guys!


I ran an update, and no loading problems since.

Of course, I haven't been doing a lot of driving lately with the Covid-19 Lock-Downs.


My dealer has yet to open and they are holding my Summer Wheel/Tires hostage ;)

I don't want to add any unnecessary wear to my expensive winter tires!

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