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Project - Get Active Cruise Control functioning

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I want ACC, shouldn't be too hard!!!

2017 Ford Edge 2.0 210ps, powershift box, and looks like most of the components come fitted, so got ForScan out, did some research, changed IPC, BCM and ABS configurations and YES, I have it 90% working (my car came fitted with HUD display which means it already has the radar unit installed) but looking for some help with the last 10%, cos it's an important 10% and I am starting to reach the limit of what information I can get from the internet.


ACC works up to a point, and that point is where active braking starts, the vehicle will brake but very soon into braking I get the 'active cruise control is not available' message which only seems to 'reset' itself after some time. I 'think' it is the ABS unit over-heating and that, to have ACC, the one component in the car that needs changing is the ABS unit but I don't have access to part numbers based on VIN as this would allow me to compare vehicles with and without ACC. The only other part I know I need to swap are the steering wheel buttons as I cannot set the 'distance' but I would like to make sure nothing else needs changing before I start spending.


Can anyone offer any input?





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Welcome to the Forums. Most members here have the "North America" model, which has some differences compared to the European Edge. One of them has to do with the collision braking feature. We only get the collision "Warning" and "Brake Pre-charge", on paper ours do not "brake automatically". This is for the 2015-2018 models, 2019+ is different.

For your project:

First: You can get VIN numbers by browsing for vehicles on Cars.com or US eBay. This example is a 2017 with ACC.

Second: Your buttons should still work, the difference is only the markings on them.

Third: for ACC, you also should have a "Radar Sensor" that in 2015-2018 models is in the lower bumper on the left (behind the blank piece). See below:






Edited by omar302
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Thanks for the reply Omar, I do indeed have the radar and mine comes with collision alert as standard as the IPC shows the vehicle in front as you approach it. As I say, my issue seems to be with braking, when ACC activates the brakes it 'appears' that it only works for a short period, even shorter if braking is harsh. When using ACC in normal traffic where you are all travelling at around the same speed, it works until!!! it has to brake moderately, then the system turns off, hence why I am thinking about the ABS module as I guess that is doing the braking



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  • 3 months later...

Hey Andy, I'm trying to enable ACC too.

I have an European model (italian, exactly) after my research you are right: we should have all the hardware and modules for the ACC to work. Some time ago I was searching about american model, and wherever one car has Forward collision alert and emergency brake, it has adaptice cruise control too. So it is very likely that the hardware is the same. European models - at least the one sold in Italy, are almost full optional as the base model, with a few option to add, and ACC alone is option.


I'm following an italian forum where a guy told me to check with forscan if I have CCM, if it is present it could be possible to activate ACC, and you are the proof that the system could work. When I have some more info, I'll post here to get you updated.


About buttons, I got some info from Forscan forum, they should be code DG9Z-9C888-GC , this: https://www.tascaparts.com/oem-parts/ford-switch-asy-control-dg9z9c888gc






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Hi. Sorry for not updating this post. I now have fully functional ACC. The only hardware needed was the steering wheel buttons as pictured.

If you use the latest Forscan 2.3.33 then it should give you access to all the modules you need to change plus these are shown in the 'configure module' sections, so no messing with as-built



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Can't confirm part number but it looks right.


There are no mods to make to CCM at all, don't touch it otherwise you likely have to recalibrate 


Mods needed to





I am out at moment, but when I get home I can send you details if you want?



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1. PCM Module configuration :

-set Cruise Control parameter to Adaptive cruise control

2. BCM Module Configuration :

-set Cruise Control parameter to Adaptive cruise control

3. ABS Module Configuration:

- set Adaptive Cruise Control (down to 30 Kph) to Enabled

- Set Forward Collision Mitigation By braking to Enabled

4. IPC Module Configuration:

- Set Adaptive Cruise Control and Adaptive Cruise Control Menu to enabled

5. SCCM Module Configuration:

- Set steering Wheel Switch Config to 17 Ford Cruise Control or 20 Ford ASLD+ACC


NOTE, ACC will work without the SCCM changes and correct switch but will not work correctly, but you can test without the switch first if you want to, ALL other changes are mandatory


Good luck



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Finally I had time to work on my car for this ACC stuff!


With some help I managed to remove the airbag (I have the adaptive steering so you have to remove the airbag differently) and replace the switch assembly. Unfortunately this assembly seems to be defective because no buttons are working. I thought that I need to configure the SCCM before they work, but it makes no difference. Neither upper nor lower buttons are working, so I cannot navigate menus to configure options (disconnecting battery has deleted all settings).


@andyh1108 Can you confirm that the new switch assembly is, at least, partially working even without forscan modifications? I believe that at least the 4-way cross buttons and OK button should work even without configuration.


I also got some DTCs that probably confirm that the switch assembly is defective:


===SECM DTC B137F:4A-0A===
Code: B137F - Steering Wheel Left Switch Pack

Additional Fault Symptom:
 - Incorrect Component Installed

 - DTC Present at Time of Request
 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC

Module: Steering Effort Control Module

 Freeze Frame :
-REALTIME: 0 s - Total time ECU has been active
-ODOMETER: 88624.0 km - Total Distance
-MAIN_SECM_V: 12.25 V - Main ECU Voltage Supply
-SW_ANGLE: 1.90 ° - Steering Wheel Angle
-INT_TEMP_SECM: 20 °C - Module internal temperature.
-ECU_TEMP_B: 15 °C - ECU Internal Temperature B
-ECU_TEMP_C: 16 °C - ECU Internal Temperature C
-VSPD: 0.0 km/h - Vehicle Speed
===END SECM DTC B137F:4A-0A===

===C-CM DTC U0401:86-28===
Code: U0401 - Invalid Data Received from  ECM/PCM A

Additional Fault Symptom:
 - Signal Invalid

 - Previously Set DTC - Not Present at Time of Request
 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC

Module: Cruise-Control Module

 Freeze Frame :
-GLOBTIM: 134096749 s - Global real time
-IFC_D703: 0   - Internal Module Fail Code
===END C-CM DTC U0401:86-28===

===C-CM DTC U0429:86-28===
Code: U0429 - Invalid Data Received From Steering Column Control Module

Additional Fault Symptom:
 - Signal Invalid

 - Previously Set DTC - Not Present at Time of Request
 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC

Module: Cruise-Control Module

 Freeze Frame :
-GLOBTIM: 134096753 s - Global real time
===END C-CM DTC U0429:86-28===

===ABS DTC U2101:00-28===
Code: U2101 - Control Module Configuration Incompatible

 - Previously Set DTC - Not Present at Time of Request
 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC

Module: Antilock braking system

 Freeze Frame :
-GLOBTIM: 134096774 s - Global real time
===END ABS DTC U2101:00-28===

===SCCM DTC B137F:09-08===
Code: B137F - Steering Wheel Left Switch Pack

Additional Fault Symptom:
 - Component Failures

 - Previously Set DTC - Not Present at Time of Request
 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC

Module: Steering Column Control Module

===END SCCM DTC B137F:09-08===

===SCCM DTC B137F:11-08===
Code: B137F - Steering Wheel Left Switch Pack

Additional Fault Symptom:
 - Circuit Short To Ground

 - Previously Set DTC - Not Present at Time of Request
 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC

Module: Steering Column Control Module

===END SCCM DTC B137F:11-08===

===SCCM DTC U2101:00-08===
Code: U2101 - Control Module Configuration Incompatible

 - Previously Set DTC - Not Present at Time of Request
 - Malfunction Indicator Lamp is Off for this DTC

Module: Steering Column Control Module

===END SCCM DTC U2101:00-08===

That "Circuit shot to ground" seems to be clear..

There are also some ccm errors, don't know if they are related to the switch assembly or the modifications. 


At the moment I have reinstalled the default switch assembly, cleared all DTCs and checked again, no errors.





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Did they worked before the SCCM changes? I mean, the left buttons block is one piece (the upper 4-way cross+ok and the lower cc\acc buttons); maybe the lower part is not working untile the SCCm changes but the upper part is working? I could try to buy a new switch assembly but it's really strange that this is defective..

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I never tried them before making the change in SCCM, but I know the standard cruise control buttons would not work when SCCM was changed to ACC before fitting the new switch, I got DTCs. It is possible that, in the switch block, Ford use a different canbus ID for the switches, but once you change the SCCM to ACC, that should solve things 

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for that document - it has a ton of information in it - I have ZERO holes in my steering wheel, so I'm not sure if I'm blind or just dense .... I stumbled upon a YouTube video in a foreign language that covered my particular installation, but I've lost it and can't find it again.  Good stuff...... I love working on my cars......


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A very nice guy in the italian forum sent me this doc a while ago. I finally did it :) but then had issues with the button blocks and reverted back to the original buttons. Since then I hadn't time to test them again.


ford service - Sistema di sicurezza supplementare - Airbag lato guida - Veicoli con Sterzo adattivo.pdfFetching info...

Edited by papinist
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Hi Andy,


I have been following your mod and I have followed your guide and instructions to the lists. I too am in the UK and having the same issue as you originally. I have installed the new switch pack, made all the changes in Forscan. However it will not let me change the Cruise Control setting in the PCM. By this I mean, I can change the option, but when it writes, it fails and says it was interrupted. I've tested the vehicle and ACC does work, but it has the same fault you had that once it brakes once, it goes unavailable. I've shed the DTC's and it shows incorrect message from PCM to CCM. I can only assume that until I can find a way to get the PCM written, it will not work.


Did you encounter any PCM writing issues on Forscan? is there another tool to use like FOCCUS maybe? Any suggestions would be really good please.





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