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AWD2016 PTU Casing>>> !Cracked!


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Hello All,

Firstly, I adore my AWD 3.5 -16’ Edge. It’s Power, it’s Handling, the premium leather interior, the ‘M’ shift feature!,,,I could go on and on.

 Now to my Title Issue —-A vibration set up, (2weeks ago). Basically while ‘coasting’ it began “@ speed” to make a rubbing or light grinding sound.

(There was also a light but persistent ‘odor’ sharp & smoky began. It was more evident when at rest, at a light, or while parking?)

I thought —‘ok 78,000 miles likely CVjoint’...so I purchased it. I took apart 25% of the right front.

NO bad CVboot inner/outer? I Couldn’t understand it. So since my vehicle was, (obviously), “up” I looked underneath, around at the driveshaft it appeared to be rubbing the ^upper^ heat shroud that’s continuous >>>back the rear wheel >>drivetrain>> ‘Channel’?
That seemed very strange.

I checked the joints (seemed loose )and noticed a bit of what smelled like bearing/joint oil on the Exhaust-pipes.

I put the wheel assembly back together. I returned the CV axle.

The  following day enroute to a movie at low speed 40-45mph, there was a short “grind-clunking” sound and a brief cloud of blue oily smoke came thru the vents and dissipated.

After this (for a few days of local driving),...A vibration began “at-speed” when I let off the gas....Not evident or discernible while accelerator was applied

SO!! I believed the driveshaft center bearing seals had blown out.(somewhat common according to Videos online )..while trying to install it , (w/ the entire vehicle upon j-stands this time), I noticed UNBELIEVABLY! !,.... The PTU is literally cracked open!

what the hell.

Has ANYONE ever seen this or had this occur on their Edge?

 Advice or info is hugely appreciated.
Thankyou in advance,





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Don’t think I’ve heard of a PTU case cracking.  That sounds like an impact of some kind unless it totally grenaded inside.


As for the lifetime fluid (which really means 150k), an engineer told me the fluid was fine for that long if it didn’t overheat.  The problem seems to be the tolerance of the parts sometimes adds up to too much friction and therefore heat which kills the fluid.  Seems plausible to me.

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Yeah, it should be be able to go 78K miles on the original fill, but most here that do their own maintenance change it around half that mileage.


I'm keen to see photos of yours to see if it destroyed itself or possible an external impact - there's a few reports of them grenading.







Edited by 1004ron
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In process of pulling PTU.

thanks for the feedback, I’ll post the few pics I have of this PTU Casing crack/break “in-vehicle” ,...once I get it out I’ll post more clear pictures of the damage.

...this is ridiculous.

Just purchased in September 19....

just can’t believe it ...according to ford literature they rectified previous PTU& drivetrain extended issues. 
When it “changed the Issue with AWD PTU design” in 9/16.



my ass

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