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Borla Exhaust Group Buy - Discount -


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Greeting ST Family,


   So for anyone looking to purchase a Borla Exhaust for your EDGE ST this is the company that I went with.  I had been in talks with the owner of the company for the past week and he is super nice and they are big into boosted engines.  They have two FOCUS ST's making over 500hp which is very impressive.  Visit their website and read about or give them a call.  They are going to add in the near future on their site a link for ST mods as they become available. 


Visit them:  https://www.pandamotorworks.com/



On the EDGE ST facebook page was trying to get a group buy for the borla and Chris the owner reached out and said he could help us out even without a group buy.  


So the deal is:   Exhaust is $ 1225.00 and  free shipping.


I ordered mine on Monday afternoon (virginia) and UPS delivered it last night at 5:30 pm.  


Install will take place this weekend and will do a Go-Pro video and post on youtube.   I will put a link once I am done in this thread. 






Edited by vmaxbaby
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Working on merging the 3 different files together right now.  Did a clip outside the car, inside the car, and go-pro mounted on hatch.  Trying to use youtube editor to merge them since I don't have something like Adobe Premier and finding youtube editor not working as it should.  "Please hold for this minor interruption" 

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